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Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!  

New Member
Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!

Hi all, my Mk2 has almost 300 days of print time and has been a reliable workhorse.  A couple of weeks ago it began to occasionally fail the mesh level on the right-hand side.  When it did this it would usually be OK after a power cycle, but the problem got worse, moving to the front-right corner and eventually failing every time.

The PINDA probe appears to be working - it goes off when testing end stops and works still on the front-left corner.  The nozzle is clean, the bed is clean, etc. etc.  I've tried using bed level correction but even then results are inconsistent.  The first attempt after adjusting seemed a little better but increasing the values (to move the nozzle further away still) caused it to crash into the bed worse than before.

If I didn't know better I'd say the bed itself is no longer triggering the probe, is that possible?  As I said, the probe appears to pass all tests and reacts appropriately with a metal object.  The probe itself is not that old, less than a year probably, could it have deteriorated in some way so it's working, but not well enough?

Any suggestions welcome.


Napsal : 28/09/2020 2:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!
Posted by: @admi-16

Hi all, my Mk2 has almost 300 days of print time and has been a reliable workhorse.  A couple of weeks ago it began to occasionally fail the mesh level on the right-hand side.  When it did this it would usually be OK after a power cycle, but the problem got worse, moving to the front-right corner and eventually failing every time.

The PINDA probe appears to be working - it goes off when testing end stops and works still on the front-left corner.  The nozzle is clean, the bed is clean, etc. etc.  I've tried using bed level correction but even then results are inconsistent.  The first attempt after adjusting seemed a little better but increasing the values (to move the nozzle further away still) caused it to crash into the bed worse than before.

If I didn't know better I'd say the bed itself is no longer triggering the probe, is that possible?  As I said, the probe appears to pass all tests and reacts appropriately with a metal object.  The probe itself is not that old, less than a year probably, could it have deteriorated in some way so it's working, but not well enough?

Any suggestions welcome.


Hello and welcome to the Prusaforum!

Have you ever checked the axis geometry of the printer? Is the bed plane and reasonably well levelled? It can sometimes happen that repositioning the printer affects the geometry, so that it has to be recalibrated.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 28/09/2020 6:01 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!


Hi Karl, thanks.  The printer hasn't been moved for over 2 years, but it's worth checking.  Do you know of any good guides on how to check/readjust the geometry?


Napsal : 09/10/2020 12:00 pm
Frans Krau
Trusted Member
RE: Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!

Hi Jon,

Can you be more specific what and where it goes wrong (do you got a message on the LCD?). Is the mess bed leveling stopping halfway? When it stops at the right hand, it could be a PINDA broken wire. Quit normal after many hours printing 🙂


Frans Krau
Europe, Holland, Apeldoorn

Napsal : 05/11/2020 7:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Suddenly hitting the bed, cannot solve, help!


Prusa has provided help pages for such and similar problems. I would study these pages carefully:

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 05/11/2020 9:02 pm