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Extruder/Bed temp in Slic3r 2/S
Have a newbee question. Trying to print a third party file and I am having a heat problem. After importing the file I set the bed size then the extruder and bed temp to 210/55. Drop it flat. Then I convert to G-code but when I start printing the extruder does not heat, the bed does. What am I missing? 😕
Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2019 5:05 pm
Re: Extruder/Bed temp in Slic3r 2/S
This is a very obvious problem, but make sure that your hotend and all of its wires are plugged in.
Veröffentlicht : 22/01/2019 1:17 am
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Extruder/Bed temp in Slic3r 2/S
Got it working but it seems a bit too much so I must be missing something. For now I load the file in the PrusaControl to generate a config file I can load that in the Slic3r and the 3d file. Probably not as experienced yet with Slic3r so I'm sure I will figure it out.
Veröffentlicht : 23/01/2019 2:04 pm