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Did everyone get their orders on time?  

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Kevin Lourigan
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Huh. Mine has moved to the US a lot faster. (I'm west coast btw)

Interesting, thanks for the update John. Mine now shows it just departed from Stansted, UK. Don't know whats going on with the UPS tracking :?.

Publié : 13/06/2017 1:51 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Mine went from label printed to a guaranteed delivery of this Friday. I wound up having to tell UPS to deliver it later. I never would have guessed I'd need to delay the shipment, but... these are the times we live in, I suppose.

I'm too old to get this excited over a printer. Now riddle me this, Batman... how is it that a printer can make me wish I wasn't going to be off on vacation? That just ain't right.

Publié : 13/06/2017 4:00 am
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Woo-hoo! 😀
Yesterday in the evening (8 pm – I guess they do work extra hours) I got notification that UPS shipping label has been created. Printer is still at Prusa Research facility waiting for pick up.
I ordered orange kit on 8ᵗʰ of April. Shipping to Poland.

Publié : 13/06/2017 7:12 am
Kevin Lourigan
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Update: My printer has made it stateside! I now have a scheduled delivery for 6/13! 😀

Publié : 13/06/2017 8:44 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered - April 16
Received Tracking - June 7
Shipped - June 12
Just cleared customs, should be on its way to Germany then stateside (East Coast).

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Publié : 13/06/2017 1:42 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Took an entire day to move from New Jersey to Philly... D:
Although estimated arrival is still tomorrow so I'll take it?

Publié : 13/06/2017 7:01 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Took an entire day to move from New Jersey to Philly... D:
Although estimated arrival is still tomorrow so I'll take it?
Just received an update that mine departed Czech Republic and I have a delivery date: 😀

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Publié : 13/06/2017 7:16 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Do the parcels take a while to get picked up - mine has been sitting waiting for collection for about 24 hours or so?

Publié : 13/06/2017 7:35 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

It's happened, just got my printer from the UPS man! 😀 From Germany to my house in about 24 hours.

Ordered: April 14th
Unit: Standard Orange/Black kit with note that I didn't care what color or material the filament they shipped me was
Location: Indiana (Midwest USA)

So it took about 7.5 weeks for them to ship my printer and 8.5 for it to arrive on my doorstep. It has been a wait, but the little extra time is understandable since they moved facilities in the middle of my build window and I'm sure that threw a wrench into the production schedule. Also, could have to do with why some of you who ordered before me haven't received your printer yet. It has taken some time, but I'm feeling confident that it will have been worth the wait. Good luck to everyone still waiting on their printers! See you all soon in the other forum threads!

Publié : 13/06/2017 8:27 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Very nice to see people's comment about their orders and glad to see many units are has been shipped and in transit.

I haven't got any update on mine since I just recently ordered mine on May 26th. But it is bit strange to see some units has been shipped with mid May order dates. I'm assuming they ordered the assembled unit instead of the kit? But it does not inline with what it says on the lead time table as I thought the assembled unit takes longer to ship out?

I guess even with their new office and bigger print farm, all the extra resources doesn't get focused on all the new orders (kit or assembled) because They also have to fill the MK2S upgrade kits and MMU kits?

Its been more than couple of weeks and it's painful think that I still have to wait 5 to 6 more I'm so used to same day delivery with amazon (I live close to big apple)

Publié : 13/06/2017 9:01 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Very nice to see people's comment about their orders and glad to see many units are has been shipped and in transit.

I haven't got any update on mine since I just recently ordered mine on May 26th. But it is bit strange to see some units has been shipped with mid May order dates. I'm assuming they ordered the assembled unit instead of the kit? But it does not inline with what it says on the lead time table as I thought the assembled unit takes longer to ship out?

I guess even with their new office and bigger print farm, all the extra resources doesn't get focused on all the new orders (kit or assembled) because They also have to fill the MK2S upgrade kits and MMU kits?

Its been more than couple of weeks and it's painful think that I still have to wait 5 to 6 more I'm so used to same day delivery with amazon (I live close to big apple)

I ordered on the 20th and feel the same way. I am close to NYC too, in dirty jersey. I assume we will ship around the same time and will keep you posted when i see some movement.

Publié : 14/06/2017 1:04 am
Trusted Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered black/orange kit April 9th. Finally got my shipping notice. 🙂

No idea how long to get to Australia... hopefully around a week.

Publié : 14/06/2017 2:50 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Very nice to see people's comment about their orders and glad to see many units are has been shipped and in transit.

I haven't got any update on mine since I just recently ordered mine on May 26th. But it is bit strange to see some units has been shipped with mid May order dates. I'm assuming they ordered the assembled unit instead of the kit? But it does not inline with what it says on the lead time table as I thought the assembled unit takes longer to ship out?

I guess even with their new office and bigger print farm, all the extra resources doesn't get focused on all the new orders (kit or assembled) because They also have to fill the MK2S upgrade kits and MMU kits?

Its been more than couple of weeks and it's painful think that I still have to wait 5 to 6 more I'm so used to same day delivery with amazon (I live close to big apple)

I ordered on the 20th and feel the same way. I am close to NYC too, in dirty jersey. I assume we will ship around the same time and will keep you posted when i see some movement.

Cool beans. I got a copy of Solidwork 2016, I've been trying some designs and getting used to the program. 5 to 6 weeks should go fast....

Publié : 14/06/2017 5:12 am
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered my black/orange kit on April 11th (destination is Germany). Haven't received any shipping notification yet.

Publié : 14/06/2017 9:28 am
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ordered my black/orange kit on April 11th (destination is Germany). Haven't received any shipping notification yet.
Something clearly went wrong with your order or maybe your payment processed later than when I ordered (April 16th), mine left Czech and should bounce in and out of Germany today to land stateside tomorrow.

Philip G.
Original Prusa i3 MK2S
Turnigy Fabrikator Mini

Publié : 14/06/2017 1:22 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I just turned 47 this week and my MK2s is supposed to ship around June 19th with an order date of April 30. Why is it I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to arrive!

Publié : 14/06/2017 2:48 pm
Active Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Hello all!

I ordered my black/orange kit on April 28th and like many of you I've been lurking on this thread keeping an eye on shipping times.

According to the shipping grid last updated on May 30th it should ship next week but the shipping dates vs. order dates being posted on this thread are all across the board.

The estimated timeline shows that orders from April 17th - 23rd should be going out this week, is anyone in that order window seeing shipping notices?


Publié : 14/06/2017 3:34 pm
Peter Main
Eminent Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I ordered my Orange/Black kit on April 12. On Thursday June 8th I chatted with them and they said it'd shipped Monday the 12th. Today, Wednesday the 14th (a full 9 weeks after ordering) I chatted again -- "Oh sorry, I'll put a priority on that". A few hours later I'm at "Shipping Label Created" so now the question is how long does it actually take to ship.

I guess the moral of the story is "The squeaky wheel gets the grease". I just wish I had been squeakier earlier because it will now arrive while I'm away on holiday. 😡

Publié : 14/06/2017 5:15 pm
New Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

Ok guess I'll have to start nagging them on chat too as with the way things are going the orange/black kit I ordered April 21st will get here as I'm on my holiday ... I wish they would atleast take the time to update the shipping table more often. I get it that they might be overwhelmed by the number of orders etc. but IMHO they should at least keep us up to date so we know what to expect

Publié : 14/06/2017 7:29 pm
Robert Bonham
Estimable Member
Re: Did everyone get their orders on time?

I just turned 47 this week and my MK2s is supposed to ship around June 19th with an order date of April 30. Why is it I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to arrive!

I'm 48 and felt exactly the same way. I received my printer last week and took time off to have a 4 day weekend to build and play with it 😀 :mrgreen:

Robert B.

Publié : 14/06/2017 8:39 pm
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