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xyz calibration fail- new build  

Active Member
xyz calibration fail- new build

Hi all. I've been trying to get my new mk2s to pass calibration for a few days and nothing i do seems to work. Sometimes it fails at the 4 point calibration and other-times, with different adjustments connecting to the z frame, it fails after the 9 point calibration. It always go through the whole thing and always says "xyz calibration failed please consult the manual". The probe light blinks on and off at the points an looks like its good when I do the end stop test.

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but not sure what. One question I have is, Should the PINDA probe be able to pass the first row points toward the front edge of the build plate? Mine lines up nicely with the points but cant make the cross shape movement that it makes on the other points. Is that normal?

things i've tried:
• many different adjustments attaching theM10 nuts to the frame
• tightening and loosening belts
• lowering and raising the probe

Thanks any help would be greatly appreciated.

Publié : 13/06/2018 7:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: xyz calibration fail- new build

check out this page see if any of the info can help if not let us know

See my stuff at

Publié : 13/06/2018 11:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: xyz calibration fail- new build

So i got the printer calibrated last night. I think it was a combination of loose belts and some skew in the Y axis assembly. I measured from corner to corner and it was different by about 2mm. Someone shared this dimensions diagram with me:

After making sure everything matched the diagram. I re-tensioned both of the belts and passed the xyz calibration 😀

Publié : 14/06/2018 5:55 pm
Estimable Member
Re: xyz calibration fail- new build

Glade to hear it

See my stuff at

Publié : 14/06/2018 6:43 pm
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