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Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!  

New Member
Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!

I've come back to 3/3 of my last long prints being a birdnest and the print on the ground. 2 times there was a large plastic tumour buildup on the hot end. All three times there was a distinct gouge in the print where the hot end buried itself/got stuck.

I've yet to catch it when it happens (even with my camera).
Posted : 31/01/2019 12:04 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!

Usually when the part breaks free it's either too small an area in contact with the bed; or an unclean bed fouled with finger prints.

Photos can help determine which is more likely.

Posted : 31/01/2019 9:57 pm
Active Member
Re: Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!

Hi Roshan!
This is most likely a problem with your part cooling,
Is the front black fan turned on and if it is are you using the newest B7 fan parts? If you catch it again after this I'd love to see it.

Posted : 07/02/2019 3:13 am
New Member
Re: Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!

I know this has been awhile, but im having this exact issue. What do you mean by b7 fan parts? and can I just pull back on the fan power throughout the entirety of the print?

Posted : 19/04/2019 12:58 am
Re: Hot end keeps knocking into prints!!!

I made two correcttions and I no longer have this issue.

1. I print with a brim.
2. I have my live Z tuned in.

I though I had the live Z right, but I was wrong.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 19/04/2019 12:15 pm