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Help Noob pls  

Vasco Guedes
Active Member
Help Noob pls

Hello everyone, can anyone give me some tips on how to get better at printing?

So this was my first 3d drawing ever, i basically imported a file in tinkercad and draw over it, is there any better program to draw cars like this? i found it a bit hard to work with, and after some changes to the drawing the program became really slow. What would you recommend?

what would be the best printing settings for prusa slicer to draw this kind of thin layers? Some of then didnt even appear in the slicer.

Im working with Prusa PLA, im not interested in printing speed but yes in less "spider threads" when the print finishes.

While printing it felt the printer was jumping everywhere and not really following a great path to print, could this be a drawing problem, bad setting, bad calibration or all of it? (keep in mind this is my first 3d printing ever after the prusa tests).

The result was this, not at all what i was expecting, i have much to learn.

Is there a way to clean the layer threads of the print?

Feel free to help me with any tips .


Respondido : 13/09/2022 6:54 pm
Noble Member

You can use vector art for 3D printing. I use Affinity, but you could also use Inkscape for free.

Next, you need something to convert the vector scetch to a 3D model. I use Fusion360 (requires an account) (construction work/CAD) and Blender (freeform modelling and sculpting). If you don't want to give Autodesk your data, you could also try FreeCAD.

Thin walls are best printed with the new perimeter generator "Arachne" in PrusaSlicer 2.5. I would recommend a smaller nozzle if this isn't enough.

Those "threads" are stringing. Your filament has to be bone dry to minimize them. "Fresh out of the box" isn't a warrant for dry filament. You might also need to adjust retractions, wiping, print temperature and cooling for your specific printer and filament.

The last final whisps can be removed by using a heat gun (a hairdryer might work too). But be careful to not soften your parts.

Respondido : 14/09/2022 8:27 am
Vasco Guedes me gusta
Illustrious Member

As @lichtjaeger says, there are loads of 3D design programs out there, try several and settle initially for the one you feel comfortable with, later you may diversify for particular functions.  For extruded 2D designs like this you can use almost any drawing software, the only constraint being that it must be able to export files that your chosen 3D software can import.

Until recently I would have advised you to keep your vertical lines at 2mm or thicker but with the new 2.5 version of Prusa Slicer 1.5mm should be safe.  With experience you will discover how to go narrower but, at the beginning, one step at a time is wise.

And those strings are typical symptoms of wet filament.  Dry it.


Respondido : 14/09/2022 12:55 pm
Vasco Guedes me gusta
Vasco Guedes
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help Noob pls

wow thank you so much for all this information, i will definitely check those softwares out.

How do i exactly dry the PLA?

Respondido : 14/09/2022 5:29 pm
Noble Member
RE: Help Noob pls

You can use a kitchen stove. PLA is food safe. (But 3D prints are not.)

But I prefer my modified food dehydrator.

Respondido : 14/09/2022 5:38 pm
Vasco Guedes me gusta
Vasco Guedes
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help Noob pls

Where can i get one of those?

Respondido : 14/09/2022 9:08 pm
Illustrious Member

You can use a kitchen stove.

As long as it's electric, gas will make things worse.


Respondido : 14/09/2022 10:23 pm
Vasco Guedes me gusta
Famed Member

I have used the electric oven on occasion, set very low, overnight.

During the pandemic we got one of those Ninja Cookers as a new kitchen toy, and it has a 'dehydrate' setting which works very well with filament.

I typically set it to 120F (~49C) and run it 12 hours for PLA.  I notice this closely agrees with the chart above.

I've only had one spool of damp PLA filament that it did not render perfectly printable, and that one had almost-microscopic cracks in it.  (see below and look closely)

Respondido : 15/09/2022 12:52 am
Vasco Guedes me gusta
Vasco Guedes
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help Noob pls

So i found a stringing test online and look at this!! ahahah i really need to solve this, i will try to dry the fillament this weekend and see the changes, but first is there any settings i should change in prusa 2.5 that could help better it?

Respondido : 15/09/2022 5:59 pm
Illustrious Member

*First* you dry it...


Respondido : 16/09/2022 12:08 pm