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MK2.5 Temperatur issue after changing hotend  

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MK2.5 Temperatur issue after changing hotend

rinter: Prusa Mk 2.5; FW: 3.5.1

I have recently replaced my hotend block with the V6.1, new thermistor, new nozzle, new heating cartage and I added a silicon sock, all original E3D. I did this upgrade due to the old hot end was smudged with filament. After this upgrade I have been struggling big time with temperature issues. I’m usually printing with PETG at 230/80 deg C with great success, but now the filament wouldn’t even stick to the print bed at that temperature. I did not do any updates on FW while upgrading the hot end. The Z axis is adjusted lower than usual and forces the filament on the print bed. If I raise the temperature 10 degrees the filament barely sticks, but the parts become fragile. To get the same result as I earlier had on 230 degrees I need to increase the nozzle temperature to 260 degrees. From experience with PETG this temperature is not realistic as PETG usually strings a lot above 240 degrees. Any ideas?

Respondido : 29/03/2019 10:41 am