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On The Way  

Stránka 10 / 12
Reputable Member
Re: On The Way

Just got shipping note for 2.5

ordered 29th Dec 😀


I would hold off on that excitement... unless you're somehow really lucky i just finished my upgrade and my prints now look like shit. the printed parts that were just printed to upgrade it prior look 100x better. items i've printed before (that were fine) and newly sliced now look like garbage... it has the same issue as mk3. 👿

This was sliced with latest firmware, and slic3er.... the change near the top is where i dropped the flow rate/multiplier to see.... it's not settings/filament/temp related whatsoever. i've also tried speed changes, up to 200% and back again, different temps... no change.

Napsal : 23/05/2018 2:53 pm
Flat Badger
New Member
Re: On The Way

Just got my shipping confirmation for the order I placed on the 1st Jan.

Napsal : 23/05/2018 3:06 pm
New Member
Re: On The Way

Same here, ordered Jan 1st, just got shipping notification this morning.

Napsal : 23/05/2018 4:29 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

My kit arrived but there is a problem.

The bag of lollies that came with it is like trying to eat a car tyre. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Napsal : 24/05/2018 3:10 am
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered Jan 11
Go shipping notice today.
Scheduled delivery May 29

Napsal : 25/05/2018 7:03 pm
Trusted Member
Re: On The Way

Any updates?

Napsal : 01/06/2018 7:01 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Hurray! I just got my shipping notification! I ordered mine in January.

Can't wait to install it. 😀

Napsal : 01/06/2018 9:27 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Just got my shipping notice today; I ordered 2/6/2018 should be here on 6/11 (Monday)

Napsal : 07/06/2018 4:50 pm
New Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered on February 24
Got shipping notice today, June 18
Delivery estimated on June 20th

Napsal : 18/06/2018 4:40 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

Getting close now for my order (March 20th), can't wait! Printed all parts already in preparation.
Also going to use a better Y-axis bracket:

Napsal : 19/06/2018 4:10 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered my 2.5 upgrade on April 13th. Decided I wanted to go ahead and grab a mk3 as well, which I ordered this week on June 20th. I wonder which one will make it to me first lol

Napsal : 22/06/2018 3:13 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Hadn't seen an update on the shipping page for 2 weeks now, so jumped into chat to see if I could get an update on my 2.5 order from April. Was told there weren't any updates and they're probably still shipping Feb orders. 😥

Napsal : 25/06/2018 5:39 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

Just got my shipping label for my March 20th order, woohoo! 😀

Napsal : 28/06/2018 9:30 am
Tom Berthelsen
New Member
Re: On The Way

I just got my shipping confirmation for my April 13th order 😀

Napsal : 29/06/2018 9:30 am
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered March 10, 2018. Shipped June 30, 2018.

I did have other parts included in the order....

Napsal : 01/07/2018 9:21 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered may 5th and just received shipping notice today 7/3. Woohoo.

Napsal : 03/07/2018 7:24 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered 4/11 still not shipped.

Napsal : 05/07/2018 4:26 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered 12/21/2017 and not shipped

Napsal : 19/07/2018 9:57 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered 12/21/2017 and not shipped

jeepers, you are a patient man! ..and yet the shipping table is saying Mk2.5 upgrades up to june 3 should already shipped?
i ordered the upgrade kit may 31 and not shipped yet...
i guess that table is not accurate ❓

Napsal : 28/07/2018 8:26 pm
Re: On The Way

Ordered my 2.5 upgrade 07/30 and it shipped 07/31 ... one day lead time. Smooth PEI sheet.

Napsal : 03/08/2018 6:20 pm
Stránka 10 / 12