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On The Way  

Stránka 11 / 12
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Can't wait forever...PayPal dispute submitted.

Napsal : 04/08/2018 12:30 am
Active Member
Re: On The Way

PSA: PayPal only allows you to submit a dispute up to 180 days after a payment has been made. After that you have no remorse.

Napsal : 06/08/2018 6:06 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: On The Way

PSA: PayPal only allows you to submit a dispute up to 180 days after a payment has been made. After that you have no remorse.
Have you tried contacting Prusa directly to cancel the order? I looked through a few previous pages in this thread and didn't see anything indicating so.

What configuration did you order?

Hopefully you won't have any remorse!

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 06/08/2018 6:10 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

Finally got a refund from Prusa today through PayPal. Prusa never responded to the PayPal dispute which was open for weeks.

I tried to contact support regarding my order numerous times and was only getting the run around. First powder coated beds weren't in stock. Then when they were shipping they started to tell me 12volt magnetic beds weren't in stock even though others who ordered after with smooth beds were getting their kits shipped. Then asked again and they told me that powder coated sheets were backordered again....good grief.

I already have another MK3 kit with powder coated sheet which was ordered AFTER this 2.5 upgrade kit that never shipped. I also have many of other 3D printers...not sure why "I" would have remorse.

Napsal : 06/08/2018 6:32 pm
New Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered March 16th, still waiting for shipping notification.

Napsal : 07/08/2018 2:45 pm
Re: On The Way

The results of this thread are concerning.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 07/08/2018 5:27 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: On The Way

The results of this thread are concerning.
It might rain too. I'm very worried.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 07/08/2018 7:19 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

The results of this thread are concerning.

i feel you. they hype-up the front page with "lead time only 3 days". it's probably for just that one specific item - the mk3 smooth pei kit.
meanwhile the rest of the product line people have been waiting several months. sure the items arrive *eventually*. but you're kinda like 'meh' after all that.
its my second time now. to add insult to injury, they announced the mk3 a few weeks after i received my mk2s. i think my wait time was in fact longer... 😳

Napsal : 07/08/2018 8:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: On The Way

Ordered May 12th. I contacted support via chat and email after promised deadlines kept passing. They told me 2 Fridays ago it would ship that Friday or the following Monday... Here I am over a week later with nothing. They stated the cause of the delay was the Powder coated sheets. My MK2 cannot print PETG anymore since I get thermal runaway (wires are fine, common issue, no problem printing PLA... but then again, every printer can print PLA) and I mostly print in PETG. Thank God my MK3 is a champ and I can still print for clients. I print a lot of Flexible material and the MK3 is awesome for that... MK2, not so much. I think this will be my last Prusa product. I think I will move on to fully customizable Core XY machines like the Hypercube Evolution. Worst case scenario you wait on parts from China to take 30 days... so far much faster than anything from Prague.

Napsal : 12/08/2018 3:37 pm
Re: On The Way

I hope you get your printer soon. Delays are upsetting but I would rather have a printer that works and a bed that sticks.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 12/08/2018 6:13 pm
Chris A
Active Member
Re: On The Way

My 2.5 kit with textured plate shipped this morning. Ordered 3/15/18.

Napsal : 20/08/2018 3:16 pm
Active Member
Re: On The Way

My 2.5 kit with textured plate shipped this morning. Ordered 3/15/18.

That's a little disconcerting.... according to the shipping table, they've shipped 2.5 upgrades ordered up to 5/28. That suggests that the shipping table is horribly wrong.

I don't understand why it's so hard for them to just post honest up-to-date information.

I ordered knowing there'd be several months backlog, but this is worrisome.

Napsal : 20/08/2018 10:27 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

My 2.5 kit with textured plate shipped this morning. Ordered 3/15/18.

congrats. oh hey that's only 5 months waiting time. i'm in awe of your patience.

Napsal : 21/08/2018 4:35 am
Re: On The Way

I don't understand why it's so hard for them to just post honest up-to-date information.

That appears to be a common question.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/08/2018 4:53 am
Illustrious Member
Re: On The Way

[...] That appears to be a common question.
The latest I heard was that the parts are still in short supply, that they're shipping to those that either opted to wait or ordered with PC when it was re-offered 1st, then will provide the vouchers when the supply is sufficient to fill the online store. What has changed? Supplies seem to still be a bit spotty and insufficient to fill backlog. I'm not sure a blog posting every day with "no change" would help. It sucks but it was out of their control last week, it still sucks and is still out of their control this week, and it may still suck and it will still be out of their control next week.

We may not like their answer, but it's still their answer. If you're still waiting, you can cancel. If you didn't cancel when they announced the changes, you didn't cancel. If you genuinely weren't offered the opportunity (and it was announced) to cancel, then you've got a legitimate complaint. Otherwise, we're all eagerly awaiting Christmas day.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 21/08/2018 5:40 am
Re: On The Way

[...] That appears to be a common question.
The latest I heard was that the parts are still in short supply, that they're shipping to those that either opted to wait or ordered with PC when it was re-offered 1st, then will provide the vouchers when the supply is sufficient to fill the online store. What has changed? Supplies seem to still be a bit spotty and insufficient to fill backlog. I'm not sure a blog posting every day with "no change" would help. It sucks but it was out of their control last week, it still sucks and is still out of their control this week, and it may still suck and it will still be out of their control next week.

We may not like their answer, but it's still their answer. If you're still waiting, you can cancel. If you didn't cancel when they announced the changes, you didn't cancel. If you genuinely weren't offered the opportunity (and it was announced) to cancel, then you've got a legitimate complaint. Otherwise, we're all eagerly awaiting Christmas day.

I think some sort of update with a new date is better than running toward 3 weeks with silence and the last official update fo 2 August,

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/08/2018 11:31 am
Re: On The Way

[...] That appears to be a common question.
I'm not sure a blog posting every day with "no change" would help. It sucks but it was out of their control last week, it still sucks and is still out of their control this week, and it may still suck and it will still be out of their control next week.

The information allows purchasers to make a decision or order, not order, or cancel their order. Right now, all they are doing is ticking off customers and making rethink future purchases.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/08/2018 12:38 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: On The Way

[...] The information allows purchasers to make a decision or order, not order, or cancel their order. Right now, all they are doing is ticking off customers and making rethink future purchases.
Anybody contemplating purchasing should be aware there are unpredictable delays, I agree. Updating a web page every few days to essentially say that doesn't really do anybody any good, and putting more dates out -- even if based on "best available" information -- is only likely to lead to more frustration at this point. Prusa has said as much. I can see why they're avoiding trying to pin dates on things. I think they're in reverse-Missouri mode now: don't talk, show. Until they can ship, they're not going to promise anything. When it ships, they'll notify.

There is simply too much they don't control. The fact that beds are shipping with new orders and seem to be holding up properly is good news, so hopefully it's just a question of volume at this point. While Prusa may miss the hopeful "end of August" assessment yet-again, the fact that some are shipping is news, so the unicorn has been confirmed in the wild. There's not much more to say.

If it bothers someone, I can see why they might cancel. However, before cancelling, be sure you're not going to just wind up getting back in line later. That's how it was with the Mk3, and how it is with the PC beds and MMU2. It beats owning a device that nobody wants and that can be found at half-off sales shortly after release.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 21/08/2018 5:18 pm
Re: On The Way

The new delivery schedule is updated and they give one week later date. That is improved because they at least now acknowledge the delay by shifting the delivery date. I am happy.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 21/08/2018 7:18 pm
Eminent Member
Re: On The Way

[...] That appears to be a common question.
The latest I heard was that the parts are still in short supply, that they're shipping to those that either opted to wait or ordered with PC when it was re-offered 1st, then will provide the vouchers when the supply is sufficient to fill the online store. What has changed? Supplies seem to still be a bit spotty and insufficient to fill backlog. I'm not sure a blog posting every day with "no change" would help. It sucks but it was out of their control last week, it still sucks and is still out of their control this week, and it may still suck and it will still be out of their control next week.

We may not like their answer, but it's still their answer. If you're still waiting, you can cancel. If you didn't cancel when they announced the changes, you didn't cancel. If you genuinely weren't offered the opportunity (and it was announced) to cancel, then you've got a legitimate complaint. Otherwise, we're all eagerly awaiting Christmas day.

my issue is that shipping table is a LIE. according to that table mk2.5 upgrades ordered up to July 8 are "already shipped". i ordered two months before that and mine hasn't shipped? so potential customers looking at that table be like "hey six weeks ain't too bad". jokes on them. reality is some people have been waiting five months.

edit: was just on chat support, and umm. two more weeks they said.

Napsal : 21/08/2018 7:44 pm
Stránka 11 / 12