Leaking filament
After I changed to a hardened steel nozzle I had leaking problems
First I had leak from the top of the heat block . I cleaned up and tightened both nozzle and block
Now I have leak from the heater cartridge
Any suggestions?
RE: Leaking filament
It may be leaking from the nozzle and it going through the silicone sock to that gap.
I have to test it without the sock but I m having thermal errors
RE: Leaking filament
Same thing happened to me. I change from brass to stainless steel nozzle and start having leaks issues. Mostly the first time is because the nozzle is loose. The problem comes when the material harden between the nozzle and hotend. remove the extruder from the base (Be really careful with the cables in the hotend) .. set temperature of nozzle to 280, remove nozzle, clean the hotend, with a torch (i use a kitchen torch) remove all residue from nozzle, clean the inside of the nozzle. (you can insert a needle to check if it pass thru). remove the ptfe to check any clogged. tighten the nozzle back to the hotend ( i think todays nozzles take into consideration the space required between the nozzle and the base.), put everything back together.
Note - I use hotend in reference to the base in which the nozzle install.
RE: Leaking filament
Users must follow the E3D nozzle change / V6 Assembly guide to the letter or things will leak; or worse, you will bend or break the heat break.
There are reasons why you loosen and tighten at 280c, and why you leave a gap between the nozzle and the heater block; as you have found out.
Prusa has a slightly different procedure that covers 99%, but I prefer E3D's version because it makes more sense.