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Clicking pulleys  

Estimable Member
Clicking pulleys

I noticed that after 17 days of print time on my XL the pulleys on the right side of the Core XY are clicking. I replaced the pulley that is attached to the belt tension adjustment screw, but the pulley that is on the linear rail is also clicking. Does anyone know how to disassemble that piece to replace the pulley?

Also, 17 days of print time seems pretty low to have two pulleys fail. I purchased replacements from Printed Solid and they aren't actually the same part. The 1mm of extra diameter didn't make a difference in the tensioner pulley, and I'm hoping it won't make a difference on the other one.

Posted : 09/12/2024 3:16 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

It looks like this may be the correct manual:

Step 41 shows removing the side covers, which should allow access to the assembly that is on top of the linear rails. Step 49 shows actual disassembly of the parts I need to replace.

This post was modified 3 months ago by Erik
Posted : 09/12/2024 3:26 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Clicking pulleys

I just replaced all 3 pulleys, since I had it apart already. It resolved all of the clicking from the right side of the Core XY. For anyone else that comes here, the Prusa XL smooth pulleys are 17mm in diameter. The generic ones from Printed Solid (and all over Amazon) are 18mm. These did fit, but the clearance was TIGHT. No rubbing on any plastic parts.

Posted : 09/12/2024 7:19 pm