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Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ  

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RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

The extruded is only slightly different.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2022 10:45 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ


Posted by: @cwbullet

The extruded is only slightly different.

They’ve dropped a fundamental part of the design which they sold and marketed it on. You’re a fanboy. There’s no rational discussion when you don’t call out something as blatant as dropping a key innovation they sold which they can’t make work. I love my Prusa printers but call a spade a spade pal when it is one 

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2022 10:51 pm
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

The XL is definitely not vaporware.  It has been demonstrated at multiple outlets to a diverse group of users.  Just because there are delays does not make it vaporware.  

Posted by: @selta

Vaporware isn't a product failure, it's a company failure.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 12:23 am
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

Uhhh that's... almost exactly the definition of vaporware, my friend. 

va·por·ware/ˈvāpərˌwer/noun software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 12:29 am
ChefBenni gefällt das
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

Sort of;  Vaporare is computer-related product that has been widely advertised but has not and may never become available.  You are trying to indicate that it will never be available and that Prusa is advertising a product that will not make it to market.   I would ask what evidence do you have that they have ever in the past or intend to not produce a product in the future.  Prusa has a long standing history of delivering products that meet a high standard of quality.  They are rarely on time, but they make it to the market.   

Posted by: @selta

Uhhh that's... almost exactly the definition of vaporware, my friend. 

va·por·ware/ˈvāpərˌwer/noun software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 12:53 am
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

I didn't say it will never make it to market, and even the definition of vaporware is that it MAY never make it to market. We don't know if it will. Hopefully it does and only ~1 year late, but, that's not a given. If they keep running into design and component issues, they could even scrap it and do something entirely different. At present, it is vaporware, unless/until Prusa makes it not.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 3:07 am
E For Extrude
Eminent Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

My take on it is that it is a vaporware situation UNTIL shipping dates are confirmed. Because currently there isn't anything concrete, key features of this printer are still changing, they display it at exhibitions in a non-working state, and they are still having issues even releasing videos of this printer working.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 8:53 am
Selta gefällt das
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

It is not a year late.  Facts matter and I have no idea where you are getting that they are a year late.  Initial orders were taken in Nov of 2021 with a Q2-Q3 projected delivery date.  That means that it would have been late on 30 September 2022.  That means that today that they are already 2 months late.  If they hit March or April, they will be 6 months late.   

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 12:10 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ


Posted by: @guyh


Posted by: @cwbullet

The extruded is only slightly different.

They’ve dropped a fundamental part of the design which they sold and marketed it on. You’re a fanboy. There’s no rational discussion when you don’t call out something as blatant as dropping a key innovation they sold which they can’t make work. I love my Prusa printers but call a spade a spade pal when it is one 

I know the extruder has changed, but supposedly for the better?  What are you saying is deprecated about the version they are planning to sell.

Posted by: @cwbullet

It is not a year late.  Facts matter and I have no idea where you are getting that they are a year late.  Initial orders were taken in Nov of 2021 with a Q2-Q3 projected delivery date.  That means that it would have been late on 30 September 2022.  That means that today that they are already 2 months late.  If they hit March or April, they will be 6 months late.   

Someone coming back in April 2022 would be very surprised to find that there was basically no printer and no real path forward. We aren’t going to see anywhere near a ‘stock’ situation for a printer launched in 2021 until 2024…. Pro orders are going to drag out through late 2023.  That is a year late.  I get the issues, I’m in manufacturing- way up the chain.  But they launched this in the middle of that crisis, and they are a buyer of these items.   Their lack of vision on the issues is kind of befuddling.   

What I am worried about is that the farm ‘version’ of the XL hasn’t been mentioned in over a year.  Are they abandoning that commercial market?  That is a serious problem as all your competitions are either getting bigger and more corporate, or are going cheaper and cutting you on the hobby side.


I’m not a fan boy (as I have my three Prusa printers running in the other room) and I’m not a troll.  I’m a realist.  Since we are now Q4 and ‘officially late’, a new post would be appropriate for all the people that ordered one and thought, like me, that at least we’d get it by Christmas… 2022 just to be clear.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 12:56 pm
E For Extrude gefällt das
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

I think you will get an update in the next 2 months.  I am not any more updated than anyone else, but I suspect we can get an answer.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 1:14 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ


Posted by: @milehigh3der


Posted by: @guyh


Posted by: @cwbullet

The extruded is only slightly different.

They’ve dropped a fundamental part of the design which they sold and marketed it on. You’re a fanboy. There’s no rational discussion when you don’t call out something as blatant as dropping a key innovation they sold which they can’t make work. I love my Prusa printers but call a spade a spade pal when it is one 

I know the extruder has changed, but supposedly for the better?  What are you saying is deprecated about the version they are planning to sell.

Posted by: @cwbullet

It is not a year late.  Facts matter and I have no idea where you are getting that they are a year late.  Initial orders were taken in Nov of 2021 with a Q2-Q3 projected delivery date.  That means that it would have been late on 30 September 2022.  That means that today that they are already 2 months late.  If they hit March or April, they will be 6 months late.   

Someone coming back in April 2022 would be very surprised to find that there was basically no printer and no real path forward. We aren’t going to see anywhere near a ‘stock’ situation for a printer launched in 2021 until 2024…. Pro orders are going to drag out through late 2023.  That is a year late.  I get the issues, I’m in manufacturing- way up the chain.  But they launched this in the middle of that crisis, and they are a buyer of these items.   Their lack of vision on the issues is kind of befuddling.   

What I am worried about is that the farm ‘version’ of the XL hasn’t been mentioned in over a year.  Are they abandoning that commercial market?  That is a serious problem as all your competitions are either getting bigger and more corporate, or are going cheaper and cutting you on the hobby side.


I’m not a fan boy (as I have my three Prusa printers running in the other room) and I’m not a troll.  I’m a realist.  Since we are now Q4 and ‘officially late’, a new post would be appropriate for all the people that ordered one and thought, like me, that at least we’d get it by Christmas… 2022 just to be clear.

They had a 'zero-backlash' extruder with the cycloidal gearbox design. Due to quality issues they have move to a planetary gear design which means they have to compensate for backlash in the extruder gearbox. They claim improved quality which I hope is the case. Their original marketing really focused on the gearbox so to move away from it indicates (to me) just how much development there was still to do.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 1:33 pm
E For Extrude
Eminent Member

Posted by: @milehigh3der

What I am worried about is that the farm ‘version’ of the XL hasn’t been mentioned in over a year.  Are they abandoning that commercial market?  That is a serious problem as all your competitions are either getting bigger and more corporate, or are going cheaper and cutting you on the hobby side.

I thought about the Pro AFS too, I think a bunch of companies that may have been eyeing up that system will have just dropped it. For a small (relatively) company branching into the commercial space, with years of experience, that system will have to be perfected to have the best chance of anyone placing an order for it. And yes, where is it? It was going to be using the same cycloidal gearbox extruder and load cell sensor... Maybe they didn't receive that much genuine interest in it, justa bunch of social media hype.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 1:51 pm
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

The gear change reportedly is due to quality issues but in the last video that I watched, they claim that the new design will still deliver so I am satisfied.  I suspect they had difficulty delivering the gears at the level of quality they could need and I for one would support that change.  Who wants shoty quality gears?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 1:52 pm
Estimable Member

Facts DO matter. Also not misleading and changing what I said matters. I said "~1 year late". If they START shipping things in Q2 2023, but I don't get mine until Q3 or Q4, that does still make it a year late for me, as they've missed the delivery window that they communicated to me when I placed my preorder. It didn't say "we'll start shipping a handful of units then". It said "Product delivery in Q2-Q3". Stop trying to massage the argument in a way that benefits... Prusa? I don't know why you insist on debating in bad faith for a company that you don't work for (at least, I presume you don't).

Posted by: @cwbullet

It is not a year late.  Facts matter and I have no idea where you are getting that they are a year late.  Initial orders were taken in Nov of 2021 with a Q2-Q3 projected delivery date.  That means that it would have been late on 30 September 2022.  That means that today that they are already 2 months late.  If they hit March or April, they will be 6 months late.   

You assured us there'd be an update at ERRF as well. 

Posted by: @cwbullet

I think you will get an update in the next 2 months.  I am not any more updated than anyone else, but I suspect we can get an answer.  

I want to buy the product as it was advertised at launch for pre-order. Not a lesser version. It is not my fault Prusa is unable to actually deliver on the promise.

Posted by: @cwbullet

The gear change reportedly is due to quality issues but in the last video that I watched, they claim that the new design will still deliver so I am satisfied.  I suspect they had difficulty delivering the gears at the level of quality they could need and I for one would support that change.  Who wants shoty quality gears?  


Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 3:47 pm
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

You anger is really healthy.  Keep firing off and all you are going to do is give yourself high blood pressure or a stroke.  My exact words were is that I suspect we have will an update at ERRF.  We got one from another user who asked at ERRF.  It is not official but it is all you got.  

Posted by: @selta

Facts DO matter. Also not misleading and changing what I said matters. I said "~1 year late". If they START shipping things in Q2 2023, but I don't get mine until Q3 or Q4, that does still make it a year late for me, as they've missed the delivery window that they communicated to me when I placed my preorder. It didn't say "we'll start shipping a handful of units then". It said "Product delivery in Q2-Q3". Stop trying to massage the argument in a way that benefits... Prusa? I don't know why you insist on debating in bad faith for a company that you don't work for (at least, I presume you don't).

Posted by: @cwbullet

It is not a year late.  Facts matter and I have no idea where you are getting that they are a year late.  Initial orders were taken in Nov of 2021 with a Q2-Q3 projected delivery date.  That means that it would have been late on 30 September 2022.  That means that today that they are already 2 months late.  If they hit March or April, they will be 6 months late.   

You assured us there'd be an update at ERRF as well. 

Posted by: @cwbullet

I think you will get an update in the next 2 months.  I am not any more updated than anyone else, but I suspect we can get an answer.  

I want to buy the product as it was advertised at launch for pre-order. Not a lesser version. It is not my fault Prusa is unable to actually deliver on the promise.

Posted by: @cwbullet

The gear change reportedly is due to quality issues but in the last video that I watched, they claim that the new design will still deliver so I am satisfied.  I suspect they had difficulty delivering the gears at the level of quality they could need and I for one would support that change.  Who wants shoty quality gears?  



Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:06 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

I'm... not sure where you get that I'm angry, but you're way off the mark. I'm far from it - quite enjoying my X1C and mostly just laughing at the situation that Prusa has made for themselves.

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:07 pm
Estimable Member

Here's your exact words, by the way. Seemed pretty sure that we'd get an update from Prusa.

Posted by: @cwbullet


Posted by: @selta

Coming up on 2 months since the last update. I guess anything might be better than the previous 5 month interval, but, it sure seems Prusa isn't actually interested on delivering on the promise of more frequent news. Sure are active enough retweeting things on Twitter, though!

It will happen in October at ERRF.  


Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:08 pm
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

You emotional investment in posting about the bad steps from Prusa tell me just how much of an investment you have in your “anger” or what ever you want to call it.  You are clearly trolling the forum for a response.  

Posted by: @selta

I'm... not sure where you get that I'm angry, but you're way off the mark. I'm far from it - quite enjoying my X1C and mostly just laughing at the situation that Prusa has made for themselves.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:10 pm
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

And it did although ti was indirect.  I have posted that in multiple forum in multiple forms.  

Posted by: @selta

Here's your exact words, by the way. Seemed pretty sure that we'd get an update from Prusa.

Posted by: @cwbullet


Posted by: @selta

Coming up on 2 months since the last update. I guess anything might be better than the previous 5 month interval, but, it sure seems Prusa isn't actually interested on delivering on the promise of more frequent news. Sure are active enough retweeting things on Twitter, though!

It will happen in October at ERRF.  



Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:11 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL Dev Diary #1 and FAQ

No "emotional investment" here, just time, which I have plenty of. Not trolling, either. Presenting facts and even well-wishes about Prusa hitting their now-delayed timelines and don't end up needing to push back further, with a little shake from the ol' salt-shaker on top that, knowing what I do in the industry, I have some doubts over especially since they admitted they haven't solved a large problem in 2 months. 

Posted by: @cwbullet

You emotional investment in posting about the bad steps from Prusa tell me just how much of an investment you have in your “anger” or what ever you want to call it.  You are clearly trolling the forum for a response.  

Posted by: @selta

I'm... not sure where you get that I'm angry, but you're way off the mark. I'm far from it - quite enjoying my X1C and mostly just laughing at the situation that Prusa has made for themselves.



Veröffentlicht : 10/10/2022 4:15 pm
E For Extrude gefällt das
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