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[Geschlossen] Bye bye, Prusa  

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Estimable Member

You said before that the XL is expensive for what it is and I happen to disagree.

I this context , not wanting to continue this as a new debate, IMHO, XL single tool is slightly overpriced, multitool would be not considered , for me, overpriced, if Prusa kept the same level of "quality" as the MK3  (firwware,bugs etc). Maybe in  six months will be perfect. At that point as far as i am concerned ill reevaluate my opinion in case  someone that asks for it. Just a difference of opinion.

As for the "you" it was my mistake.

Veröffentlicht : 11/12/2023 10:14 am
Noble Member
RE: Bye bye, Prusa

I built a Voron by buying components largely myself (plus a few part kits for motors, hardware and profiles). I ended up with slightly more than for a single tool head XL. Given, that the Voron is enclosed, I can agree with the "slightly overpriced". But I would say not that much. 

Not sure what you are trying to say with the Mutlitool head XL: That Multitoolhead is the prime reason for the existence of the XL. Not sure what you mean by "not considering it". If you ignore it in your evaluation of the XL you ignore the USP of the XL in your value considerations. The single tool head version is a spin off in my opinion, which is also offered, as it is an easy thing to do and creates a less costly entry point with the option for later  expansion but in my opinion the single tool head XL alone would not justify the XL as such and has a steep competition as well. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 11/12/2023 2:46 pm
dasdigidings und IPIND 3D gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: Bye bye, Prusa


Posted by: @tsamisa

And to give an example of what is the level of some of the comments here:

ExtraFox (estimable member): Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Ipind3d:  This isn't an airport. There is no need to announce your departure.

Acht: Also stop whining on this forum please nobody here has anything to do with it.

etc etc.



Some cherry picked examples and all were in response to someone who had a clear agenda. That being to create argument, conjecture and unrest by way of ludicrous claims across many posts; all fuelled by AI sourced, non-fact checked/poorly fact checked information.

When called on his BS and outed for his source, he claimed personal attack and felt the need to let the world know he was leaving.

Nothing said was unjustified. or abusive.

Veröffentlicht : 12/12/2023 6:02 am
Acht, BaconFase und Netpackrat gefällt das
Same Old Shane
Mitglied Admin
RE: Bye bye, Prusa

While I am one for people generally speaking their mind, sharing thoughts and opinions (both positive and negative), Im not one for people going on with attacks. People will have their own views and opinions on things and thats the thing with opinions, they are how people feel and think and there is little use trying to argue against that. 

I love Pepsi, and not a fan of Coke (too sweet in my opinion), but Im not going to try and go after anyone in any way who likes Coke. 

Going through this thread it went from a customer voicing their unhappiness with their experiences and has evolved into something else and the original point has turned into attacks, and that does not serve the 3D printing community at all. So Im locking this thread as further communication in this is not productive or beneficial anymore.  

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Veröffentlicht : 12/12/2023 4:23 pm
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