Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
Troubleshooting assembly and first prints can be a bit daunting, but with some systematic approach, you can often identify and resolve common issues. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Check Assembly: Go back through the assembly instructions and make sure everything is assembled correctly. Often, issues arise from a simple misalignment or a part installed incorrectly.
Level the Print Bed: Ensure that your print bed is leveled properly. If it's not leveled, your first layers may not adhere well, leading to failed prints. Most 3D printers have a built-in bed leveling process that guides you through this step.
Check Filament Feed: Make sure the filament is loaded properly and that there are no jams or knots. Sometimes, filament can get stuck or tangled, preventing it from feeding smoothly into the extruder.
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
G'day everyone! Received my XL 5 months ago finally assembled and started printing with the supplied spool of black PLA- it came with smooth steel and textured sheet. Its been totally frustrating as my prints keep pulling off sheets- I've tried cleaning them I scrubbed with soap water per a video I've used glue sticks- still my prints fail!!. I tried my usual PETG white - so far not ONE PETG print succeeded- I switched back to PLA I've managed to print 2 objects successfully one the
airbrake for Su30, the other a servo base for airbrake- however the first layer you can see it was not perfect see images. My 6 year old MK3 still prints perfect every print. It seems to either fail on first layer or if it gets past that the print falls off the bed!!!! Any ideas??? Thanks!
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
To me it looks like your z-offset is too high. On my prints the face of the part that's on the build plate is smooth, your's seem to show clear extrusion lines.
I would check with a ruler that the built plate is straight, some people have had it bowed. Also redo the the Z Alignment and Tool Offset calibrations
Watch the initial bed probe - I see you have left a relatively large deposit on the first contact point, does a small blob of filament remain at the tip of the nozzle? This can be enough to confuse the bed levelling and is usually caused by oozing due to damp filament.
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
Thanks for the reply! I'll check that also running First Layer check now
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
Thanks for reply! I'm running a First Layer test now - I assume that it knows which sheet is on ie smooth or textured? I could not find any Option for choosing type of plate? Didn't notice any blobs of filament I'll watch closely- do you guys use glue stick for the PETG prints on both sheets? On my original MK3 I used my smooth sheet for 5 years no glue stick worked fine then it had a slight piece pull of with a print then more I ordered a new sheet from Prusa- $35 plus $15 shipping- my FIRST print on a very narrow piece pulled off a piece of the new sheet!!!! couldn't believe it!! I contacted Prusa CS they asked if I used Glue Sticks I said no- they said I voided the warranty on the sheet! I asked them where it says on their website it says to use glue sticks on PETG- I searched the smooth sheet NOTHING, searched MK3, nothing - they referred me to an obscure link to "Printing Tips' where it did say its 'recommended' to use glue stick on smooth plate ! But no where on sheet data or MK3 etc... I bitched for a few days asking for them to replace it they refused ! My original sheet printed 5 years 8,900m of filament before failing- the new sheet 1st print 5m on a small narrow print!! They 100% refused I offered to pay shipping! They refused! This was right after I put the down payment on the XL- side note my DJI Mavic Air 2 - I fly Mavic or RC airplanes on the beach every morning- I had my Mavic about 1400m north by the Pier hovering when a guy who shot a short video of my plane day before was trying to airdrop it to me- I put my controller down Mavic was 3-4m altitude and there were decent waves that day like 1-2m- so I get the file grab my controller I see an image of sea foam from a wave! So the water kinda messes with sensors the Mavic had changed altitude and drifted down a bit- a wave hit it and t was lost in ocean! I contacted DJI CS they said send us the Data set for that flight as it records every flight - I sent it to them- next day they replied and said "we consider this a 'fly a way' we'll send you a new Mavic Air 2 no charge" Amazing!! Absolutely the best CS ever- so for Prusa to just blow me off like that I was upset- loyal customer, def a Prusa fanboy and they just give me the middle finger!! Anyway The fact that on the sheet web page says nothing about glue stick or on any docs that came with sheet is messed up live and learn I reckon! Thanks for your help!
I assume that it knows which sheet is on ie smooth or textured?
It doesn't need to know.
Didn't notice any blobs of filament
It's in your video.
where it says on their website it says to use glue sticks on PETG
Click Help - then Materials.
do you guys use glue stick for the PETG prints on both sheets?
For PETG it's only needed on the smooth sheet - and there are alternatives: Windw cleaner, PVA glue-wash, various commercial offerings...
I'm using the Satin print sheet, no glue stick used and no problems with PETG or PLA adhesion.
I have just washed the new sheet with dish soap and then used just IPA between prints
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
Thanks again I'll keep trying- just had a new issue- made a small gcode copied to the Prusa supplied USB stick the XL does not recognize it! Tried my other USB sticks- nothing shows up- thinking the USB port went bad??
Unlikely. There are some characters that, if used in filenames, confuse the filing system so first check with a simple filename. If your other USB sticks are large you may have to partition them to 32GB.
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
Ok - I contacted CS- sent pics- turns out the xLCD USB port is bad they're sending a new one!
RE: Assembly and first prints troubleshooting
I'm back! So Prusa shipped me new xLCD- installed and USB reads fine now- tried a simple print it failed, I tried again failed again- my First layer test print came out nice but seems every print comes right off the steel sheets I tried scrubbing with soap water still failed-
here is STL, perhaps I'm screwing up my gcode?
You need to zip .stl's before posting.
There are classic 'zits' on the print sheet - your filament is wet and therefore oozing. It's likely your bed levelling is being done with a pad of ooze on the nozzle throwing out the measurements. Thoroughly dry your filament, clean the nozzle, and try again.