Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing
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Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing  

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Eminent Member

Following as I have the same issue. 
Mk4 kit.

FW 5.0.0RC. 

No print issues, the printer prints fine. 

Maximum bangs 5 or 6. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by Hennes
Posted : 01/09/2023 1:03 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I also had this issue. Since the belt tuner app doesn't give useful results I tightened the belts from experience. I maybe have overdone the y-belt a little bit and the y homing failed problem got better since I reduced the tension of my y-belt. But occasionally it still happens.


Posted : 04/09/2023 8:22 pm
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

Unfortunately, I think that a lot of the solutions and things described in this forum are all red herrings. Let me explain.

There's a lot of focus on belt tension adjustments, grub screws and the like, as well as checking for obstructions etc. Except for a couple of cases where there really was something mechanically impeding the motion of the bed (cable in the way, bearing sliding around) I feel that the rest of the instances where "tried x and now I'm good" are just correlation with other random (currently unknown) factors. 

For me, I got tired of seeing this on my own MK4 kit printer with incredibly random frequency, and seemingly unexplainable by any of the common solutions (belt tension, mechanical impediments, belt path and set screw, you name it). And it just did not make sense that, holding everything CONSTANT, it would fail, reboot itself, then immediately pass on two taps the next time. Or, take 2 taps sometimes, and then 16 the very next time. So, I decided to figure out the pattern once and for all-  Running well over 100 homings in quick succession with only minor tweaks to the test every 10-12 times (will explain).

(first, all x-axis homings almost always passed in 2 taps, so while I counted these too, I will omit them from these results)

  • First test- printer having been powered up for a while and idle
    Number of Y taps before homing done: 2, 12, 2, 2, 10, 4, 10, 2, 16, 12, 10, 12
  • Second test- powered off, unplugged power cable for 10s, then reconnected and powered back on. Immediately restarted homing checks by hand.
    Number of Y taps before homing done: 6, 30->when the printer hits 30 taps it self reboots and throws the 13305 error on next boot.
  • Third test- after printer booted up after previous crash, started up homing checks by hand again.
    Number of Y taps before homing done: 30-> died, on first try.
  • Fourth test: not optimistic, but after booted up after previous crash, started up homing checks by hand again.
    Number of Y taps before homing done: 2, 24, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4
  • Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth tests- Powered off, unplugged, waited, etc.
    Number of Y taps before homing done: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, .... a total of 55 times in a row! The last 15 times was the next day, after the printer was off for at least 12 hours. I powered it up and checked 15 times in a row, and they were all perfect 2-tap homes.

Now, if I had done anything in between test 4 and test 5, I would have definitely attributed that to "having fixed the problem". However, I did literally nothing except power cycle the printer and then restart the test every 10-12 or so tests. This is the risk with troubleshooting problems that are erratic or intermittent- even when you think you are holding things constant, there can be other unknown variables that you do not control (or even know exist) that can have an impact in results.

Either way, at this point I figured that, after 55 perfect, 2-tap homes in a row, I was definitely good to go and I wouldn't have even written up this forum post at that point. However, as I'm sure you can guess, as soon as I moved on to other troubleshooting/printing/etc, the problem came back.

  • This afternoon: Number of y-taps before homing completes: 12, 4, 22, 10, 2, 2, 22, 14, 20, 30 -> died, self rebooted


My hunch is a combination of firmware (maybe) with issues with the stepper drivers on the xBuddy board (more likely). You can pretty easily see that this issue is not something where the bed plate is just barely not perfect in terms of belt tension, alignment, or mechanical impediments, by intentionally impeding the bed's motion a little bit during homing- it takes quite a bit of force to actually stall the motor at all and have it back off (detecting a false "tap"). Something else is at play, and it doesn't appear to be something you can actually affect in a meaningful way. It's just random enough (and comes in "waves") to fool you (assuming your printer is affected).

Posted : 04/09/2023 9:15 pm
ScottW liked
Active Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

This has got to be a firmware issue.

I just installed 5.1-alpha1 on my Prusa MINI that has never had an issue with homing. It not consistently fails to home the Y axis and resets into a red screen.

Posted : 18/09/2023 9:26 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

It seems to be better with the final 5.0.0 for the Mk4. 
The error message still appears, but the printer starts a recalibration thing after the message. 
It says the printer may be noisy and vibrating 😝 

Posted : 19/09/2023 1:37 pm
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I never had this issue before with my MK4 kit and I was using the IS alpha firmware, but since installing the final 5.0.0 I have Y and X homing/calibration and failure with every single print. Even after displaying that the calibration failed, it prints just fine, but it keeps hitting the ends so many times, so the print takes a while to start and it's super noisy while doing it.

Posted : 19/09/2023 1:45 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing
Posted by: @ericus

... I think that a lot of the solutions and things described in this forum are all red herrings. ...   Something else is at play, and it doesn't appear to be something you can actually affect in a meaningful way. It's just random enough (and comes in "waves") to fool you (assuming your printer is affected).

That agrees completely with my experience.  It can behave perfectly (2 taps X, 2 taps Y) for DAYS across dozens of prints, then suddenly do 10-12 taps for one or more prints, then go back to the perfect 2 again -- all without any configuration change to the printer, firmware, or slicer.  Perhaps it can be caused by a mechanical issue (belt tension, bearings, etc.), but it also randomly appears (and disappears) in the absence of any mechanical problems or changes.  The randomness can easily lead to mistaken conclusions regarding causation.

My best guess would be a firmware bug, perhaps related to varied timing of some hardware initialization process.  Intermittent issues can be tough to diagnose, so it could be with us for a while.

Posted : 19/09/2023 4:28 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I was a little reluctant, but then I installed the 5.0.0 RC, and then I printed the MMU3 parts. No issue at all. It survived also to a filament end.

The only thing I noticed, is that after a print,  and several moves, and a long time from the last homing, it really "guess" where the head is, probably from data in its memory.

I can see that after a homing is fast and perfect to reach the layer zero.
But after subsequent prints or axes move, when it tries to reach Z=0,  it go fast till 5cm from the plate, and then become reluctant 😆 , and it goes down very slowly by attempts, as it doesn't know well where the plate is;  it just tip down reasonably a while with the sensor before going down i 1 cm, and then it repeats the tips and so on, and this process become very slowly. This probably because it doesn't want to damage the plate with a hit.
Better execute a Home now and then.

It had also crashed the Nextruder on the spool holder  when Z is at the maximum height (I should check the tolerance, may be the spool holder was not well fit when it happened)

I will install now the 5.0.0

Posted : 19/09/2023 6:56 pm
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I have a similar behaviour. With firmware 5.0.0-RC i never had the homing failed message but after this update(5.0.0) i get it every other print although after 4 or 5 bumps the print starts. (got it in both x and y axis)

Posted : 19/09/2023 9:28 pm
Jacob Barlow
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

Only finished building the kit this week, prior to 5.0.0, no problems (other than my own learnings with 3d printing). I installed 5.0.0 today and I continue to get this scary error.

Posted : 20/09/2023 6:01 am
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

good to know. so i keep a copy of the RC-version 😜 . Just in case

Posted : 20/09/2023 8:00 am
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

Not Y axis, but left side X axis for me... its like its trying to kill itself. Still prints, but kinda disturbing.

Posted : 21/09/2023 2:37 am
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

@ghostrider13 I second that, I just installed 5.1 firmware on my original mini and now get Y axis homing errors (curiously, it's when I try to start a print, not when I autohome - it just bashes until it red-screens and tells me I have an obstruction - lies!). I have never had a homing error in 3 years of owning this printer - I upgraded to 5.1 today from 4.3.3. 

Posted : 21/09/2023 4:15 am
Reputable Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I have an MK4, 5.0 firmware.  Y was working fine, then the last few days it started repeatedly homing Y 10+ times, even failed once.   The belt tension was good.   I took a hard look and one of the 2 belt mounts under the table had become loose.  Just enough it would twist when you touched it.   When the 10mm bolt was bottomed out,  it still was not tight enough.  Found a 3mm x  .5mm thick washer that was not much bigger diameter than the head.   Everything tightened up nicely with the washer in place.  Checked belt tension and it was good.     Now it homes just fine again.

I don't know if it was something about my parts,  the hole is not deep enough or the mount not quite thick enough.  It is fixed now.   

I had problems before with Y axis getting noisy on the MK3 and it was the Y rod mounts loosening with time.  About 1/2 turn or less to tighten them back up and printer was quiet again.    

Posted : 01/10/2023 7:59 pm
Denis Ferrari
Eminent Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

Here the same.

Posted : 02/10/2023 1:11 pm
Active Member

Same here. I didn't have any problems with 5.0 RC but as soon as I installed the official 5.0 release my X axis started bashing like crazy. People were complaining about the issue with previous firmware versions so I wonder if they changed something trying to fix for those machines but it created the issue on ones that weren't having it before. 

Posted by: @sttal

I have a similar behaviour. With firmware 5.0.0-RC i never had the homing failed message but after this update(5.0.0) i get it every other print although after 4 or 5 bumps the print starts. (got it in both x and y axis)


This post was modified 1 year ago by JHenley01
Posted : 08/10/2023 6:53 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

Has this issue been placed up on the bugs list on Github?

I have also had it since updating firmware. I'm sure it's software based issue - never had this prior to the update. 

Have yet to test whether it happens when using the non-IS profile.......

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Posted : 30/10/2023 9:44 am
Eminent Member

My Y axis bumps its brains out before printing too. Really annoying. I think my belt has nice tone when plucked, so I assume its firmware. Lets keep this thread relevant until they get something updated for us.

Has anyone had any better experience with the 5.1.0 update? I usually wait until they are out of beta/apha.

Posted : 30/10/2023 4:02 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing


Posted by: @sweetride

Has anyone had any better experience with the 5.1.0 update? I usually wait until they are out of beta/apha.

Installed it by today. Will keep an eye on it and report. 

Posted : 30/10/2023 9:17 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis now bashing repeatedly during homing

I observed problems with bashing, after I placed my printer in an enclosure and was testen different way of filament-guidance.

i noticed, that a little tension(sideways) due to the filament or the way the Bowden tube was running, the printer had lots of difficulties with homing.

so maybe a test without filament might clarify that.

only after powering the printer on it takes an some „bashes“ (with the notification on the display, that it might get louder). Every other time it only the few taps. ( luckily) 

mine was preassembled btw.

Posted : 31/10/2023 9:15 am
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