Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed
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Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed  

Estimable Member
Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed

I've had a MK2.5S and MK3S+ but just got a MK4.  I'm printing a large storage box for my wife. I started it on the MK2.5S and it was to take 19 hours and 27 minutes. So my MK2.5s had problems so moved it to the MK4. Haven't printed much on it. I set the Prusa slicer to Input Shaper 0.4 nozzle for the MK4. The total time: 19 hours, 21 minutes, so I saved 6 whole minutes. Without Input Shaper it was 19 hours, 24 minutes, so Input Shaper cut 3 minutes, or its 0.25% faster.  

Its eSun PLA, 0.4 nozzle. latest firmware, latest software, latest slicer.  My Bambu can print it under 6 hours for comparison.  Is this typical? 

Postato : 10/10/2024 2:39 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed

One other thing I also noticed. OK I'm printing a box, no lid. While I was watching it, and I had over 19 hours to do it, I noticed for the sides, the nozzle often went across diagonally, instead of going round and round.   It was NOT in vase mode true, but you would think the slicer would optimize things better.  

I started with an early MK2 and it really doesn't look like this MK4 is much faster. The MK4 will be my last Prusa product.

Postato : 10/10/2024 9:10 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed

OK I guess I was using an old "Print Setting"  Now I'm down to 8 hours, yeah haw!!  So saved 11 hours.  Bambu is 6 hours, so OK,  8 isn't bad. We will see. The first layer isn't very fast. 

Postato : 10/10/2024 10:37 pm
Antimix hanno apprezzato
Reputable Member
RE: Is This Typical Input Shaper Speed

@Allen8355 one of the first thing to do that normally mess up the print is to resclice the old objects using the new printer HW settings and new print nozzle profiles.

I said mess up, because since I prefer to start the project from scratch, I usually forgot to reapply some special settings (e.g. slice modifier, or parameters changes...) 
And of course I realize that in the middle of the first print.... 😓 

Postato : 12/11/2024 11:48 am