Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?
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Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?  

Trusted Member
Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

The Input Shaper is one of the main reasons I would consider upgrading my MK3S+ to the MK4; however, my MK printer is also my MMU printer, and I'd like to be able to use these together.

Is there (or will there be) an Input Shaper profile for MK4 / MMU3 ?

Prusa is MK4S w/ MMU3 (formerly MK4 / MMU3, MK3S+/MMU2), 2 Prusa MINI+, Octoprint. PETG, PVB, (some) PLA.

Posted : 22/08/2023 6:13 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

There is no MMU3 for the MK4.

Posted : 21/11/2023 6:35 pm
Noble Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?


Posted by: @kengineer

There is no MMU3 for the MK4.

There is it's just not been shipped yet

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 21/11/2023 7:06 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

If something doesn't work and is not available is it vaporware or a thing? 

Posted : 21/11/2023 7:07 pm
Active Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?


Posted by: @kengineer

If something doesn't work and is not available is it vaporware or a thing? 

I paid for it, therefore it's a thing. 😉 😀 

Posted : 22/11/2023 12:53 am
Eminent Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

I paid for one in July, it was a thing until Aug ship date listed in the ad then it became a future thing, now not sure 

Posted : 26/11/2023 3:06 am
Prominent Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

I cant see why MMU3 would change anything - once the filament is loaded the print speed should continue as normal. As far as I can see, IS has no affect on the MMU3 loading/unloading process.......

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 27/11/2023 11:25 am
HappyKatz liked
Reputable Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

One could be unsure if the PTFE tubes, buffer etc. add too much drag on the filament, thus causing underextrusions. I don't think that's a risk, though - I run my filaments through lots of PTFE because of the way I set up my MK4, and the nextruder is quite unimpressed by that. 🙂

My models on Printables
Posted : 27/11/2023 11:27 am
Trusted Member

the profile Input Shaper with MK4 MMU3 do not exist on the Wizard.

I have the same issue, MK4 with MMU3 and I cannot have the firmware for Input Shaper, BUMMER !


In this article from Prusa on July 2023, said the input shaper firmware will be compatible MMU3, WHERE IS THE FIRMWARE ? 

Posted : 17/07/2024 9:38 pm
Active Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

Hope this helps you out ?

Regards, Ron

Posted : 18/07/2024 7:49 pm
John Lindo
Trusted Member
RE: Can we use the Input Shaper with the MMU3 ?

Can anyone explain "input shaper", I must of missed posts on this subject.


Posted : 21/11/2024 5:00 pm