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[Risolto] Y Axis Homing Failing  

Active Member
Y Axis Homing Failing

Is anyone else having issues with Y axis homing failure? I've rolled back to 4.4.1 a couple times now and homing passes, but each time I try with 5.1.0-alpha1 is fails. Even after a factory reset

Postato : 21/09/2023 5:10 pm
Dep hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

The issue is usually that the belt isn't tight enough.

Try this tool and see if you can tighten it some more.

Printer: Original Prusa Mini+
Nozzles: E3D 0.25, E3D Nozzle X 0.4 , E3D 0.4, Bondtech 0.6 CHL
Printables: Tysonsw
Mastodon: [email protected]

Postato : 21/09/2023 5:35 pm
Steven e Tom_3D hanno apprezzato
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Well, I've made some progress... I can force the homing to pass by manually compressing the belt tightener...
As it keeps slamming against the back, trying to locate the begin spot, I pinched the belt tightener with my hand until it successfully read a start calibration point. The bed then slid all the way forward, then back and forth (as it's supposed to) until it successfully passed. Unfortunately though, the next time I tried homing, I had to pinch/compress the belt tightener again for it to continue. So it seems as though its either a) having a difficult time locking in on the initial start point or b) 5.1.0 needs a tighter belt (temporarily) to proceed. If I leave my belt tensioner as is, it successfully completes homing with 4.1.1, just not with 5.1.0-alpha1

Postato : 21/09/2023 5:40 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

5.1.0 has a lower tolerance for slack belts as it needs more precision for the Input Shaper. SO you should tighten your belts which your tests confirm.

Printer: Original Prusa Mini+
Nozzles: E3D 0.25, E3D Nozzle X 0.4 , E3D 0.4, Bondtech 0.6 CHL
Printables: Tysonsw
Mastodon: [email protected]

Postato : 21/09/2023 5:42 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

That web app tool says my belts are too tight. I'm wary of touching them, as it works fine with the old firmware, and they are as they came from Prusa 3 1/2 years ago. I've never touched the adjustments.

Does the new firmware have a problem with too tight belts also?



Postato : 23/09/2023 10:26 pm
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

I also had that problem, the tool said it's green, but I made three turn on each srew... And it worked well now.

Postato : 24/09/2023 9:26 am
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

I had the same issue and I had to slightly decrease Y belt tension which was obviously too tight for this new firmware. Y homing works fine now but I hope decreased Y belt tension wont have drawbacks like increased ghosting etc...

Postato : 24/09/2023 1:39 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Also having the same problem and can’t solve it. I tightened my belt slightly and it homed once ok. The next time it failed, tightening again and not joy, quarter turn tightening each time up until I can’t do it anymore and it still fails.

Then decided to loosen all the way and start at the beginning, testing after each quarter turn. No joy on that either, just won’t home. Previous firmware is fine though. 

Postato : 25/09/2023 6:12 am
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

I had the same problem with the first 5.1.0 start. Rolling back to version 4 now. 

Postato : 26/09/2023 2:25 pm
New Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Having the exact same issue.  Seems to work intermittently.  I have tried pinching the belt like someone else mentioned.  And although it DID work once.  the next time it failed.  Simply retrying seems to have the same rate of success.  Like others mentioned, worked fine with previous firmware.  Seems like some sort of bug with the Alpha firmware.


Postato : 02/10/2023 7:10 pm
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

I am having the same issue, but I've been grabbing and holding the front corners of the bed for a second or two after the Y Axis Homing Failing message pops up and prints are successfully starting.

Postato : 05/10/2023 7:31 pm
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

i have the same problem, i have thightened the belt and Y homing goes ok at the first try

Postato : 10/10/2023 3:03 pm
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Same issue here. When starting the homing process, it hits the forward stop, then grinds for a split second (this is new behavior). It then moves the bed to the rear and taps until the homing fail message. If I tap the bed during the move to the rear, homing passes and everything works fine. 

Postato : 10/10/2023 3:55 pm
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

I tightened my y-axis by a half-turn on each screw and now homing seems to work.

Postato : 11/10/2023 9:18 pm
Active Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Hi all, 

Same error here, I tried the tighten tool but wasn't so helpful. I just tighten the Y belt at maximum and finally the test passed.

One happy beta tester here ready to try the new stuff! Let's see if printing is not f* up in this version XD.

Postato : 15/10/2023 1:36 pm
Active Member

Its an old post, but: I had the same issue for a while on both X and Y, even after factory reset. It worked for me to move the X and Y axis to travel the farthest distance before it started the home session. I never saw the problem again. No changes to belt tension or anything else. 


Questo post è stato modificato 8 months fa da ChrisPete
Postato : 16/10/2023 11:47 am
Martin Majewski
Trusted Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

The same issue with the Y-axis started after flashing the input shaper firmware for me. The solution was to tighten the belt more than I am used to, e.g., with my MK3S and MK4 printers.

-- --

Postato : 21/10/2023 7:57 pm
New Member
RE: Y Axis Homing Failing

Had the same issue but I followed the instructions to use the belt tensioning website and now it works perfectly.

Postato : 20/11/2023 4:55 am