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Warping at corners  

Elias Spors
Warping at corners


Does anyone happen to know what is causing this weird corner warping on my prints?I'm using a Prusa Mini with standard PLA. The settings are mostly standard, except the bottom layer infill overlap is at 35% and infill is at 20%. I tried to round off the 90°-corners with 3mm radii but the crinkles remained. This printer used to work just fine on features like this.I also tried to increasing the perimeter count, also with no effect.

Thanks in advance!

Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2024 9:04 am
Illustrious Member

The imediate cause of warping is thermal contraction of long runs of filament so first protect your printer from drafts. (and beware aircon outlets)

Lowered adhesion also contributes so make sure the print sheet is scrupulously clean and consider adding brim or mouse-ears.

Directed stresses from long runs of infill are another source - grid is one of the worst; I would try cubic fill, failing that gyroid, or better 'though it will shake the printer - 3D Honeycomb.

With larger prints than yours it can pay to insert voids in the prints to break the run, or 'decorative' slots to make expansion breaks -----^----- like this; they may need to be staggered to reduce weakpoints.


Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2024 11:13 am
Razor und Elias Spors gefällt das
Illustrious Member
RE: Warping at corners

Except from those pics it doesnt look like what we would call warping.  Warping corners is when it bows upwards from the bed as Diem describes.  This causes compression of the layers and usually a rough surface on the top where its warped up.

Those pics just look like the under extrusion and gaps at the seams caused by the recent firmware/prusa slicer changes that many have reported and been complaining about.  

There are plenty of existing posts about it on here for example   and the github issue reporting it with many people posting


Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2024 5:00 pm
carlmmii und Elias Spors gefällt das
Elias Spors
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Warping at corners

The weird thing is that I had lots of prints with no issues similar to this one recently. So I figured it would be about the model itself or the new PLA spool I used. Could it be something about the filament or nozzle temperature?

Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2024 6:59 pm
Illustrious Member

I wondered about that too @neophyl, there is very little first-layer corner distortion (drop a pic into a graphics prog and offer up a straight line, there is slight deviation) - however there is enough top surface effect to suggest some warping is involved, perhaps with print sheet lifting.  It may well be compounded by other factors.  It may be worth the OP's while to reprint at a much lower speed to rule out some of the effects that accompany some of the tweaks for high-speed presets.

It is unlikely to be filament or temperature related.


Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2024 12:21 pm
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