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Stringing on the inside of part wall  

Active Member
Stringing on the inside of part wall

It is my first time printing with Transparent PETG and I am getting some stringing on the inside of walls

This is a hollow tube with 4 walls total (2 perimeters) printed with a 0.4mm nozzle.

Two of these tubes were printed side by side and it only affected one of them, the one that was printed second. I think it might be a retraction setting but I have increased it once and it did nothing.

Has anyone seen this before and knows how to fix it.

Much appreciated.

Publié : 05/06/2024 8:05 pm
Prominent Member

Can you provide info how the model was positioned on the print bed?

Could you try to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise and see if it helps?

Another idea is the issue with retraction at the end or close to the Z axis or used up Bowden tube between extruder and the print head.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Publié : 09/08/2024 7:48 am
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