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Ok..What's causing this?  

Steve Clinton
Active Member
Ok..What's causing this?

Need some help guys and gals.  

I have 3 Minis.  2 are running this print fine.  The 3rd is giving me trouble.  I'm getting what appears to be blobs/build up/tearing (not exactly sure what to call it).  What is especially odd, is that the blobbing is predominantly on the side of the part closest to X0.  

So far I've tried

- Different filaments (3 spools all brand new) and I switched the filaments into the other printers with no problems

-Different print settings (both hotter and colder, Faster and slower, raisedand lowered Z live adjust, and different flow factors)

-Several first layer calibrations

- Ran cleaning filament through and did several cold pulls. 

- Checked the SPINDA to make sure it is working

- Checked the XYZ calibration per Prusa website

- Also repositioned the model in slicer to reorient and move the part to a different section of the plate.


None of that has seemed to make a significant improvement.


Any thoughts out there?  Wondering if maybe the nozzle itself is somehow misaligned to the hotend???





Postato : 22/05/2024 1:14 pm