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Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)  

Active Member
Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

Hello everyone,

I was looking at the Prusa Mini and I saw in the comparison tab that Nylon was not a "supported" material for the Prusa Mini. I haven't been able to find much information about whether it is possible to print Nylon X with the Prusa Mini? Like I know it uses a Bowden system for the Mini and I'm not sure if that makes a difference? The specs say that the prusa mini can go to 280c, and I was reading the nylon x spec sheet which said around 240-260. 

I'm not the best with material settings and if there was some insight I didn't know about? Are their any health hazards associated? Do I need modifications? Will it destroy the printer? I read the previous Nylon thread and was wondering for occasional Nylon X printing, would it work? I was just wondering if it was one of those things where Prusa doesn't "officially" support Nylon X for the mini or if there is something actually worth noting why the Mini can't print Nylon or Nylon X?

Thanks everyone,


Respondido : 17/02/2020 5:35 am
me gusta
Noble Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

I'm sure there's a thread re. Taulman Bridge on Mini

Respondido : 17/02/2020 1:58 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

Not using a Mini myself yet, but I can tell you from brief experimentation on my Mk3 that getting nylon to stick to the PEI print surface is a challenge. Slathering the sheet with glue stick worked well for my tests with Taulman Bridge, and other than being sure to properly clean the hotend out with cold pulls after using nylon, I didn't find it difficult to use. A "real" nylon with filling may be more of a challenge though.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 17/02/2020 2:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)


Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out. I'm not the most experienced with other types of materials other than PLA and PETG since thats the only two materials I ever use, I've been really interested in other cool materials. Is taulman bridge the brand of filament or what is it and I'm assuming its similar to Nylon if not a variant of Nylon?

Respondido : 17/02/2020 6:47 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)


Ah, I see.. Thanks for the insight! I have seen people just tape down the PEI print surface and then apply glue

Yeah, I was just wondering if the mini would have any difference? I heard a rumour from my friend that PTFE tubes emit really bad toxins if they go above a certain temperature? Is this true for the bowden system on the Prusa mini? Since the Prusa Mini says the max is 280, will it be able to handle the Nylon X at 240-260 reliably? I'm assuming it can, I was just wondering if it is capable of printing it or if something will go horribly wrong if someone were to attempt it. I'm just still confused the difference between as if it is "not officially supported" just cause or if its straight up dangerous or impossible to use Nylon X in the prusa mini? 


Respondido : 17/02/2020 6:50 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)


PTFE should not be exposed to temperatures above approximately 250 C or the material begins to degrade and give off toxic fumes, that is correct, however that does not apply to the Mini, since it has an all-metal hotend. That means that the PTFE tube (the Bowden tube used to push filament from the extruder motor to the hotend) stops at the top of the hotend's metal tube, the heatbreak, so it's never exposed to high temperatures.

Respondido : 18/02/2020 4:46 am
Noble Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

In PrusaSlicer the Mini has a profile Taulman Bridge, seems pretty official.


Respondido : 18/02/2020 1:03 pm
Noble Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

I tried and failed to edit my previous post. I don't know to which properties of "real" Nylon are sacrificed by Taulman Bridge.

Respondido : 18/02/2020 1:54 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

I am also trying to find a place to get Taulman Bridge. Seems very doable. 

Original Prusa Mini + Smooth PEI
Prusa Slicer 2.6.0

Respondido : 14/05/2020 7:47 pm
New Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

Hello, I'm printing Nylon with Carbon Fiber on my Mini. Thanks to this post I've changed the Taulman Bridge profile to use 
Fiberlogy PA12+CF15, which is just like NylonX but instead of 20% CF you got 15%. After two fast tests, I've applied a PVP glue stick on the smooth PEI sheet, changed stock nozzle to Nozzle X and it is printing quite fine. Also I've added a trash bag on my mini to keep heat. 

First layer 267 c /60 c (267 because Nozzle X , 60 because Taulman Bridge have that)

Other layers 275 c /90c 

For now it have been 2 hours and everything is okay

Some photos

Respondido : 29/05/2020 10:21 am
New Member
RE: Nylon X possible? (Similar to Nylon Thread)

Print has finished, results are good, there was some lifting but the part is okay. The answear is: Yes, you can print with NylonX and other Nylon + CarbonFiber filaments and have good results on a Prusa Mini 👍 

Respondido : 29/05/2020 2:34 pm