New Prusa Mini+, having a problem with zits/blobs
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New Prusa Mini+, having a problem with zits/blobs  

Active Member
New Prusa Mini+, having a problem with zits/blobs

Hi All,

I recently received my Prusa Mini+ and after printing a few test prints off of the included USB, I thought my days of tinkering with the printer itself to get decent quality prints were behind me. Well, wouldn’t you know it after printing something for a project I’m working on, I was horrified to see blobs/zitts on the wall of my print.

In the attached image, the top print is from my Ender 3 V2 which I’ve had for about a month (and is stock) and sliced using Cura with pretty much default settings (.2, 200c, 60c). The bottom is off of my new Mini+ using PrusaSlicer and the stock .2 Quality profile (although I have dropped the print speed to 40m/s).

Both prints are using the same roll of filament in the same environment.

Anyone know what’s going on?


This topic was modified 3 years temu by obious
Opublikowany : 15/10/2021 3:56 pm
Honorable Member

Now that's an interesting comparison...
You say, in both slicer were used pretty much default values. On Ender you used 200C (for PLA, I guess), but on Mini default temperature is 215C -maybe you filament doesn't like that high temperature.
Btw. why you dropped the print speed? -just curious.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Opublikowany : 15/10/2021 6:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Using PLA+

I did bump up the temps as I’m using Sunlu PLA+. I dropped the print speed as that is (in my experience; coming from Ender 3V2 & Anycubic Chiron) how quality is improved but since I’m new to Prusa printers, maybe its not needed?


Opublikowany : 18/10/2021 9:16 am