Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers
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Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers  

Active Member
Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers

Hello Everyone, I am reaching out for some assistance with my Mini+. I have been using it for over a month and have had success with manual color changes on logos, name engravings etc. I have come across a problem trying to design something for my friend.


I am working on a key chain for a company, with a tricolour logo. I have figured out the layer changes in order to get the best looking logo, but my recent batch of materials has different extrusion multipliers. I am in Zimbabwe and my materials came from a large company in South  Africa, so I have to do my best to make them  work. I have done temperature towers, speed tests and precision cubes (+ extrusion multiplier cube from 3DMakerEngineering) and have dialed in all of the different colours from the same manufacturer. My test prints look nice, minus some obvious visual extrusion multiplier differences between the different colours. At current, the PLA that I choose upon slicing  dictates the  EM for the whole print, but one of the colours is a silk and I found it needs a 1.1 EM while the keychain base only needs 1.02.


Question: Can I print an object on my Mini+ with different extrusion multipliers upon color change? I have tried the Tool Change but it did not pause and allow me to change filaments. I have attached a  photo of my different PLA presets that I have dialled in. I would be appreciative for some feedback and advice.


Thank  You

Posted : 03/03/2024 8:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers

I don't see why that should be a problem on the Mini. Are you saying you had successful filament swaps before but not for this one? Can you upload a zipcompressed 3mf file so we can check your settings? 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 04/03/2024 12:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers

Hello, good evening. Yes I have had success with manual color changes on past prints but I do not see any way to dictate which color preset that I am changing to  (along with the defined extrusion multiplier across the different colours). I have attached a keychain that I am working on but the base layer is a 1.1 EM, grey text of logo is a different EM, while the top lime green silk comes out to 1.07. The grey also had some issues on the small text of the company name. Basically the whole object prints at 1.1EM from the base color chosen.


I would be grateful for any guidance. I know there are limitations with how small the text can go on a 0.4mm nozzle but  I am trying my best to make this right, and then next key tag idea will just have to be larger in size.


Thank You


Posted : 05/03/2024 6:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers

Should  I be doing the color changes as tool changes, and set my mini+ to 3 extruders instead? I have no idea how to do that. I tested it once and the printer did not stop properly to let me change the filament color manually.

Posted : 05/03/2024 6:48 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Manual Color Change, but different filaments have different Extrusion Multipliers

I don't have a mini, to try this on. 

try this

I have set the top to single perimeter so the letters look better

you didn't say what EM for the letters, so I used 1.02 (red)  you can actually feed any colour...

hope it works


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 05/03/2024 9:50 pm