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Can the Mini print TPU ?  

Estimable Member
Can the Mini print TPU ?

As the title says, TPU is not listed in the spec for filament types the Mini can handle.

Any reason why it can't be printed with the mini, I've never used TPU before im strictly PLA at the moment but want to try TPU for a phone case im working on.



Prusa Mini+ (Ordered Dec 19,2020 - Arrived Feb 21,2021) stated clicking Mar 2nd / MP Select Mini V2

Posted : 19/12/2020 3:51 pm
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

Yes.  I can confirm it will.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 19/12/2020 4:42 pm
languer and raymate liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?
Posted by: @cwbullet

Yes.  I can confirm it will.  

Thats good news, thanks

Prusa Mini+ (Ordered Dec 19,2020 - Arrived Feb 21,2021) stated clicking Mar 2nd / MP Select Mini V2

Posted : 19/12/2020 4:49 pm
New Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

what settings?  noobie here, bought the mini to print TPU FPV drone parts... TPU is pretty much my primary need... as a noob and with no presets, I'm worried about digging through the gears to pick out filament.

Posted by: @cwbullet

Yes.  I can confirm it will.  


Posted : 18/11/2021 12:45 am
languer liked
Estimable Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?
Posted by: @cwbullet

Yes.  I can confirm it will.  

Any pointers on how to best achieve success with TPU on the Mini ?

Posted : 18/11/2021 6:39 am
New Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

I was honestly surprised when I threw some tpu at my mini, and it just printed it without any problems. My one piece of advise would be to print nice and slow. I usually run mine at around 50mm/s while printing 95A, but ymmv.

Posted : 19/11/2021 2:49 am
languer liked
New Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

Well I just went for it. Heat at 215.  20 (.20? Sorry) mm speed.  Tpu spool temp was 200 - 220. Lots of strings, but usable print.  95a TPU.

Posted : 19/11/2021 3:27 am
Active Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

what about Flexfill 98A? I haven't seen a profile for it.

Thank You

you don't know what you don't know, neither do I

Posted : 22/11/2021 10:49 pm
New Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

There is a profile for Fillamentum Flexfill 98A in Prusa Slicer. I've used it with my 95A and it works just fine.

Posted by: @mcdriver

what about Flexfill 98A? I haven't seen a profile for it.

Thank You


Posted : 22/11/2021 10:58 pm
Active Member
RE: Can the Mini print TPU ?

I use sainsmat TPU and it worked great on my mini. It has a profile in prusaslicer. I set the temperature to 215C and changed retraction length to reduce stringing. Mostly I use the satin sheet or for models with larger base area the steel sheet. In fact it prints more easily then regular (prusament) PLA. Never had adheasion or extrusion problems. Stringing is a topic for complex parts, but it is manageable.

When I load the filament I choose "PLA" from the menu, because the sainsmart tpu didn't need high  temp.

see some of my tpu prints here (the "red" ones):


Posted : 07/12/2021 9:17 pm