Uncommanded Heatbed and Nozzle Temperature Increase
I have a Mini with Superprinda. While printing the Mini Base upgrade in PETG, after a few minutes of printing the heatbed temp would rise to 90c from 85c and the nozzle to 290c from 240c. I looked at the gcode and see no command for temp increase. Has anyone else experienced this and what is the cause/solution to fix?
Check filament settings in PrusaSlicer
Bed temperature first 85 (first layer), later 90 sounds normal for PETG, but nozzle temp from 240 to 290 does not. In slicer the default (I believe) nozzle temperature is 230/240 (for first layer) and later 240/250 C (depending on the PETG profile). So check these settings.
Does your filament profile in slicer match what you are trying to print?
if the settings are fine, then I would suspect electrical problem in your hot end. You'll need an replacement.
I would rule mechanical problem (hot end temperature sensor not tightened properly in the hot end) as that usually means poor contact which results in lower temperature readings.
You could check also Prusa's support to verify that the problem is in the sensor.
Uncommanded Heatbed and Nozzle Temperature Increase
It was in the filament settings. Thank you for the solution! Much appreciated.