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the plastic will peel off the board over time  

Active Member
the plastic will peel off the board over time

I've had the printer for a year now, and since the beginning, some prints have come off the plate at the same stage but the boat and every vanilla print never failed. I tried many times to calibrate and clean the board, but even models from Prusa printables tear off. Almost anything thinner or taller will break off. Please advise, thank you.

Respondido : 31/01/2023 9:28 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: the plastic will peel off the board over time

Feels like 99% of models releasing from the sheet is due to two factors:

1. Dirty sheet. Regularly scrub the sheet thoroughly with plenty of hot water and fragrant-free dish washing soap. It's the best way to "renew" it. In between prints use 90+% IPA (I use 99% IPA). Don't use those silly wipes. Buy a large jar of IPA on Amazon or a drugstore instead and use a paper towel in straight lines, don't just swish it around in circles.

2. Incorrectly adjusted first layer aka Live Z. Most new users seem afraid to go low enough. I use this calibration strip https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/105404   to get Live Z right. That small square produced by the in-built calibration method is hard to read unless you know what you're doing.

Of course, you also need the right sheet for the right filament. The satin sheet works with pretty much anything, without much ado. Check out the Prusa knowledgebase (google "prusa sheet types") for more information. Tall, thin objects also may need a brim to stabilize them.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 01/02/2023 12:06 pm