Temperatures flashing during heating and cooldown... well they did, but not now.
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Temperatures flashing during heating and cooldown... well they did, but not now.  

Nigel Johnson
Eminent Member
Temperatures flashing during heating and cooldown... well they did, but not now.

My Min arrived and I put it together and had some great fun playing. One cool thing I thought (I'm sad like that) was that when the printer was heating the temperatures on the display would flash dark orange, and when cooling they would flash blue. I had firmware version 4.0.5 from the factory, and having the latest download on the USB stick did nothing.

I then went and broke the buddy board a little, and ordered a replacement. This arrived, and I switched it out and went through all the stuff to get it up and printing again. It also reports 4.0.5 as shipped, and having the same downloaded firmware on the USB stick does nothing.

However. The temperatures do not flash when heating or cooling.

Are there 2 versions of 4.0.5? If I go through the Firmware update option on the menu, will it reload the version on the USB regardless or will it still version check. Does the downloaded version have the flashing I like?

Any clarification would be appreciated.



Napsal : 30/05/2020 9:11 am