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Temperature on LCD doesn't match PrusaSlicer setting
In PrusaSlicer, I always select Prusa PLA for the filament. The default extruder temps are 215 (first layer) and 210 (other layers). I never change these. I've noticed that during all of my prints, the temperature reading on the LCD says 215 during the entire print. Is this normal?
Publié : 28/02/2020 8:55 pm
RE: Temperature on LCD doesn't match PrusaSlicer setting
That's not normal - at my both Prusa printers using Slicer it is as it should. Check your settings in Slicer - that works for more than 3 years without any problem on my prints.
Best regards, Clemens
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
Publié : 28/02/2020 9:07 pm