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Prusa MINI not turning on  

Active Member
Prusa MINI not turning on

My MINI suddenly stopped turning on today. I had just run the Octoprint bed level visualizer and noticed a few minutes later the printer was powered off. When I reset or power cycle, the fans spin up for 1-2 seconds then shut off.

I've changed outlets, reseated the power cords at the printer and power brick, and confirmed the power outlets are good. I also opened up the case and snugged up all the connections in case something had come loose.

Any ideas for further troubleshooting while I wait for a response from Prusa?

Napsal : 21/05/2020 7:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa MINI not turning on
Posted by: @jl

My MINI suddenly stopped turning on today. I had just run the Octoprint bed level visualizer and noticed a few minutes later the printer was powered off. When I reset or power cycle, the fans spin up for 1-2 seconds then shut off.

I've changed outlets, reseated the power cords at the printer and power brick, and confirmed the power outlets are good. I also opened up the case and snugged up all the connections in case something had come loose.

Any ideas for further troubleshooting while I wait for a response from Prusa?

I would contact the Prusa chat. Login with your Prusa account, select eshop. After some seconds there shoukld appear the chat window. The answer to an email from Prusa can take a week. In the meantime you could check the PU with a multimeter. There should be a stable voltage of 24v or a little more.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 21/05/2020 9:35 pm
JJ se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa MINI not turning on

thanks karl-herbert for pointing out the chat capability. My browser plug-ins were blocking that popup so I swapped browsers and got it. Huge thanks to Prusa Support for helping me identify the problem.

The printer was indeed turned on, it was just the display that was disconnected. Realized the board was running two ways: 1) small green LED on the Buddy board, 2) printer recognized in Windows Device Manager, which led me to the ribbon cable.

Problem: Loose ribbon cable connection at the display

Troubleshooting steps:

- Inspect power supply pins (PSU, cables, and Buddy board)

- Snug up all the connections in the box

- Plugged printer into my computer via microUSB cable and turned the printer on. Checked Device Manager to see whether the printer was recognized

- Inspected the entire length of the ribbon cable, which led me to the loose connection at the display.

Napsal : 21/05/2020 11:01 pm