Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.
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[Sticky] Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.  

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Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Hello one and all; 

With the recent release and announcement for the Original Prusa MINI / MINI+ 4.40-BETA2, we have set up this thread to help our community members set up a WIFI connection to the MINI via a ESP add on board. BEFORE you start updating, please make sure to read the article as there is a lot of useful information and different set up steps depending on which board you have;

Release Notes;

We would like to have this thread be the main point of contact / assistance within the Prusa Forums for those who need assistance setting up a WIFI connection on our Original Prusa MINI / MINI+, or have any issues for troubleshooting. Please keep all MINI WIFI connections to this thread as it will help our developers by having one location in the forums to gather data and feedback to improve the final release if need be. If a community member posts issues to a different location, the post will be moved into this thread. You can also report issues via github here


This is a beta release dedicated to experienced users, so PLEASE remember to read the entire article first before you dive into the new beta release. 

Below is a link to the installation guide;


If you are new to the forums, or not sure what sort of information to provide, here is a general list of information to send when asking for help 


As always, happy printing! 


Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Posted : 27/07/2022 4:08 pm
Antonio and JV Lobo liked
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Still messing around with it and am already liking a lot of the new features, especially PrusaLink and the footer customization. Great job, Prusa team!

However, am I missing something or is uploading direct to PrusaLink from PrusaSlicer still not working? I already added a physical printer and my API key, but it just throws me a 401 unauthorized error. I take it this feature is still not working? I'm on PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 alpha 3.

Uploading through the web interface works for me though and is pretty sweet 🙂

Posted : 28/07/2022 6:57 am
New Member

Unfortunately my attempt to update to 4.4.0-Beta2 failed. The update to Bootloader 2.0.2 did complete, but after that I get:

Error! #12608

Firmware in the internal flash corrupted! Please reflash the firmware.

I did follow the guide, both .bbf files are in the root of the USB stick:

- Buddy_4.4.0-BETA2+4114.bbf

- mini_release_boot_update_pre_4.4_4.4.0-BETA2+4114.bbf

Clicking the wheel reboots the printer, only to get to the same message again. Same with the Reset button, or powering the printer off an on again. Same with and without USB stick plugged in and without.

Board Revision is "PRUSA Buddy 2020 rev 1.0.5"

Any recommendations?


Video of startup with error message: IMG_7663


This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by llang
Posted : 28/07/2022 9:24 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Did you try redownloading the file and using another usb drive? The download for the file might have been incomplete or corrupted  

Posted by: @llang

Unfortunately my attempt to update to 4.4.0-Beta2 failed. The update to Bootloader 2.0.2 did complete, but after that I get:

Error! #12608

Firmware in the internal flash corrupted! Please reflash the firmware.

I did follow the guide, both .bbf files are in the root of the USB stick:

- Buddy_4.4.0-BETA2+4114.bbf

- mini_release_boot_update_pre_4.4_4.4.0-BETA2+4114.bbf

Clicking the wheel reboots the printer, only to get to the same message again. Same with the Reset button on powering the printer off an on again. Same with and without USB stick plugged in and without.

Board Revision is "PRUSA Buddy 2020 rev 1.0.5"

Any recommendations?





Posted : 28/07/2022 9:27 am
sanperez313, Tuna209 and liked
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


Posted by: @toadhall

Did you try redownloading the file and using another usb drive? The download for the file might have been incomplete or corrupted  

Thanks for the tip! I re-downloaded all files, moved them to another USB stick and forced a new FW update by double-clicking the wheel immediately after turning on the printer. Now the firmware update completed.

So, I guess the recommendation is maybe to not use the USB stick the printer came with...? 🤨 

Posted : 28/07/2022 9:42 am
sanperez313, bassbunch, Tuna209 and 1 people liked
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

I have the new Firmware and Bootloader installed, I have the wireless module installed its an ESP-01S by 10GTEK

Get an error when it tries to update the firmware on the Wireless module and it wont connect.

I have Included photos of the error, my wireless module, and the version of the Buddy Board I have.

Posted : 28/07/2022 9:13 pm
Andrew Pawelski
Trusted Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

I cant find the footer change settings - can anyone share how to access them?

Posted : 29/07/2022 1:09 am
Active Member

 Posted by: @andrew-pawelski

I cant find the footer change settings - can anyone share how to access them?

Go to Settings, then long press on HW Setup to access the Experimental Settings menu.

The Footer settings should be in there. It's pretty cool to customize to my liking now.

Posted : 29/07/2022 3:24 am
Noble Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.
Posted by: @andrew-pawelski

I cant find the footer change settings - can anyone share how to access them?

It's in the experimental settings menu.

Posted : 29/07/2022 5:54 am
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


Posted by: @littleneutrino

I have the new Firmware and Bootloader installed, I have the wireless module installed its an ESP-01S by 10GTEK

Get an error when it tries to update the firmware on the Wireless module and it wont connect.

I have the same problem. Board version 1.0.7 + ESP-01S. Are there any files that can be uploaded directly to the ESP?

Posted : 29/07/2022 7:02 am
Andrew Pawelski
Trusted Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Thankyou I would never have found that!

Posted : 29/07/2022 7:27 am
toadhall liked
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

I have the same problem too, but in my case i have board version 1.0.5 and ESP 01 from AI-Thinker with 1MB memory. When flashing starts blue led is blinking but somehow stops in second step and throw an error. I already tried to do factory settings and whole reflash of the printer but nothing. 

Posted by: @littleneutrino

I have the new Firmware and Bootloader installed, I have the wireless module installed its an ESP-01S by 10GTEK

Get an error when it tries to update the firmware on the Wireless module and it wont connect.

I have Included photos of the error, my wireless module, and the version of the Buddy Board I have.



MINI+ FW4.4.0 with upgrades: full Bondtech, Noctua 4000RPM warranty mod, XZ bracket/Ender 5 Upgraded: Volcano, default mini extruder, SKR SW:Fusion 360/Prusa Slicer/Cura Retired:stock MK3s, Ender 3 PRO silent, Kingroon KP3s

Posted : 29/07/2022 10:06 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


I have on my Prusa Mini Wifi module installed and also installed the new firmware. Has everything worked so far, I can also directly from Slicer upload the file to the printer. Everything is ok until leveling, but then when it starts printing the website writes "API Error".

Everything is ok until leveling, but then I get an error. the printer then prints normally, but i can no longer access the website. when the printer is finished, the page works again.

Can you help me?

Thank you LG

Posted : 29/07/2022 10:11 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

I just uploaded the firmware. I had the corrupt firmware message above but did the double tap thing and then it worked.

Observations so far:

I am getting around 150-200 kb/s transfer speed which is not bad. Since I timed myself going to my printer (which is in the next room) getting the USB and going back etc. Takes much longer so the WiFi is an improvement to me.

I am getting a lot of "action could not be performed on the web page". Not a major issue as I do not plan to use it much.

It would not connect to my WiFi initially which is a combined 2.4/5Ghz SSID. I connected it instead to a wife extender that has split 2.4Ghz WiFi and that worked fine.

So far downloading from the web page does not work. Nothing happens then eventually I get the "action could not be performed" message.


Great update though. I wonder why since the Buddy board has a USB interface they decided not to just use USB WiFi.



Posted : 29/07/2022 10:58 am
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


Posted by: @4ever-audi


I have on my Prusa Mini Wifi module installed and also installed the new firmware. Has everything worked so far, I can also directly from Slicer upload the file to the printer. Everything is ok until leveling, but then when it starts printing the website writes "API Error".

Everything is ok until leveling, but then I get an error. the printer then prints normally, but i can no longer access the website. when the printer is finished, the page works again.

Can you help me?

Thank you LG


In the meantime I've noticed something else, namely when the "print fan" switches on from the third shift, the error "print fan fail" comes up and I have to click on continue, then it turns again briefly and then the same error comes up again.

I checked the cable, it's fine.

Now I've turned off the "Fan check" on the printer, now the website works too.



Posted : 29/07/2022 2:23 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


I successfully followed all steps of the wifi setup guide but the printer won't connect to my network.

I have a gut feeling this is because the SSID starts with a space. The PSK also contains a hashtag, which is a comment sign for ini files.
Would that be an issue?

I tried the following syntaxes for the config file, but none worked:



After searching in the source code, it looks like the file is parsed with "whitespace stripped" (according to the documentation) : https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy/blob/master/lib/inih/ini.h#L42-L55

I've opened a GH issue: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy/issues/2325

Posted : 30/07/2022 7:45 pm
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Anyone figure this out yet?

Posted by: @littleneutrino

I have the new Firmware and Bootloader installed, I have the wireless module installed its an ESP-01S by 10GTEK

Get an error when it tries to update the firmware on the Wireless module and it wont connect.

I have Included photos of the error, my wireless module, and the version of the Buddy Board I have.


Posted : 31/07/2022 5:56 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


I don't think it has something to do with the USB stick. I had exactly the same issue but was able to solve it by forcing a new FW update by double-clicking the wheel immediately after turning on the printer. With this the firmware update completed w/o changing the USB stick nor rewriting the bbf files.

Rgds and thanks to the Prusa team to release the FW update.

Posted by: @llang


Posted by: @toadhall

Did you try redownloading the file and using another usb drive? The download for the file might have been incomplete or corrupted  

Thanks for the tip! I re-downloaded all files, moved them to another USB stick and forced a new FW update by double-clicking the wheel immediately after turning on the printer. Now the firmware update completed.

So, I guess the recommendation is maybe to not use the USB stick the printer came with...? 🤨 


Posted : 31/07/2022 7:06 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.

Hi Prusa team,

not sure it helps for your root-cause analysis but the same happened tpo me as well. After setting "Fan check" to off my prints run through w/o issues.



Posted by: @4ever-audi


Posted by: @4ever-audi


I have on my Prusa Mini Wifi module installed and also installed the new firmware. Has everything worked so far, I can also directly from Slicer upload the file to the printer. Everything is ok until leveling, but then when it starts printing the website writes "API Error".

Everything is ok until leveling, but then I get an error. the printer then prints normally, but i can no longer access the website. when the printer is finished, the page works again.

Can you help me?

Thank you LG


In the meantime I've noticed something else, namely when the "print fan" switches on from the third shift, the error "print fan fail" comes up and I have to click on continue, then it turns again briefly and then the same error comes up again.

I checked the cable, it's fine.

Now I've turned off the "Fan check" on the printer, now the website works too.




Posted : 31/07/2022 7:07 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa MINI & MINI+ WIFI Troubleshooting.


I have installed ESP01S and performed all the steps in the manual. The WiFi connection is very unstable, the printer connected only with removed electronics cover (3D printed part) in cca 60 perc. of cases after switching on. With cover closed the WiFi never connected. The printer is approx. 3 meters from my Mikrotik hap lite. Exchange OF ESP01 did not solve the issue. Cables inside of the electronics box did not move much during opening or closure of the box. Moving the printer closer to AP or turning the printer to head the ESP directly to AP did not solve the issue. Board v. 1.0.5.

Anybody any ideas?

Posted : 31/07/2022 7:24 pm
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