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Possible Minda probe problem or something  

Active Member
Possible Minda probe problem or something

So I have yet another problem with my prusa mini. As you can see on the photo my first layer is all over the place somewhere its to high somewhere its too low somewhere its perfect. So is this a probe reletad problem or is it something else ??

Napsal : 04/10/2020 1:07 pm
John Doe
Estimable Member
RE: Possible Minda probe problem or something

I see on most cases the nozzle too low. Due to diagonal almost same lines, I would rather suspect something else as issue there. The longer the lines are, the worst it get. Maybe issue with Z being loose when the printer change the movement (retraction, jump to new place).

Napsal : 04/10/2020 11:17 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Possible Minda probe problem or something

Welcome to the existing M.I.N.D.A. issue.

What probably happened is that you calibrated at one temperature and when you went to print, the probe warmed up to a different temperature, causing the Z offset to change, causing the nozzle to be too low and clog it. This is a common problem, PRUSA has yet to fix it. It's caused by their decision to use the M.I.N.D.A probe instead of a P.I.N.D.A. probe, which has a temperature sensor to adjust for temperature drift.

See more information here:

They won't fix it or support switching out to a P.I.N.D.A. probe. I have a P.I.N.D.A. v2 probe sitting next to my printer ready to install just in case they have a change of heart. Your best bet is to ALWAYS watch the first layer and adjust and/or have a very thick first layer (0.20-0.32mm).

The recent firmware update causes a temperature change issue with the bed leveling, so some of the tricks in the above linked forum thread may or may not work.

Napsal : 04/10/2020 11:27 pm
John Doe
Estimable Member
RE: Possible Minda probe problem or something

In this case not sure if issue on probe. The circles looks ok for me as would not stick, if there would be issue with first layer. And we don't see some slow degradation when moving to one side of the bed. Movement is yx <-> yx . Would check the smooth bed sheet, if it is clean and rerun the wizard for first first layer calibration per that filament type.

Napsal : 04/10/2020 11:57 pm