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Popping Noise at Hotend and Extrusion Skips  

Active Member
Popping Noise at Hotend and Extrusion Skips

Hi! I got my first printer, a new Prusa Mini+ and at first it worked perfectly out of the box. Then I tried prints with Prusament PETG and had constant problems with stringing. I was able to get this under control by lowering the temperature to 230°C (instead of 250°C in the Prusament profile):

There was also a constant popping noise coming from the hotend. The higher the temperature, the more frequent and stronger. Having no experience, I figured this would be normal with PETG. But after two more prints that looked good, the nozzle was suddenly clogged and nothing worked anymore. Had to disassemble the extruder and pull out the filament by hand. After that I did a cold pull and cleaned the nozzle.

I switched back to PLA but the popping noise was still there: Video File

The noise is clearly coming from the hotend and not the extruder. The extrusion on the printout looks consistent, but there are very few spontaneous dropouts that result in gaps.

To rule out moisture in the filament as a cause, I opened a new pack of Prusament PLA, but everything is identical.

The extruder looks clean and doesn't make any noticeable noises either. If I unload the filament and look at it, it's fine. The filament spool rotates freely.

What could be the cause of the problem?

Respondido : 29/04/2022 2:11 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Popping Noise at Hotend and Extrusion Skips

Even new filament can contain moisture. Drying filament is really a good idea. You can tweak all kinds of settings, but it is a compromise. Improve one thing, make something else worse. Drying your filament always improves things. You need to use an oven or a dehydrator. Desiccant doesn't do much when the filament is already wet.



Respondido : 30/04/2022 3:03 am
Reputable Member
RE: Popping Noise at Hotend and Extrusion Skips

It sounds like a moisture thing.. but weird that you open a new Prusa filament pack and you get the same issue.. I would not think there is any moisture in a new filament from Prusa packed with desiccant. 

Respondido : 30/04/2022 7:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Popping Noise at Hotend and Extrusion Skips

I've switched to a Bondtech extruder and an E3D Revo Micro hotend and the print quality on PETG is much better now. The popping noise has also disappeared.

before | after

Respondido : 08/05/2022 4:11 am