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overflow after nozzle change  

Trusted Member
overflow after nozzle change

I changed to a ruby 0.8mm and it leak at top of nozzle and heat break

I have screw in the nozzle as close to the heat block as possible and I still get overflow.

what should i do?


Best Answer by KTH:

it was still leaking.
so i reseated heatbreak, heatblock and nozzle.
end up changing to a new heatbreak and heatblock as it was a pain to remove&put back the other parts.

hopefully it does not leak now.

Leason learnt:
Do not change nozzle unless you want to have the change to reseat the whole thing.

Posted : 26/12/2021 1:11 pm
Illustrious Member

On that page pay particular attention to the diagrams marked 'Final Inspection'.


Posted : 26/12/2021 5:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: overflow after nozzle change

Your heat break may not be screwed in deep enough to form a seal.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/12/2021 7:28 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: overflow after nozzle change

i screw in even more n having a LITTLE gap left.

that solves it.

i was planning to reseat the whole thing if this does not work. luckily it worked.


thanks everyone.

Posted : 27/12/2021 8:14 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: overflow after nozzle change

it was still leaking.
so i reseated heatbreak, heatblock and nozzle.
end up changing to a new heatbreak and heatblock as it was a pain to remove&put back the other parts.

hopefully it does not leak now.

Leason learnt:
Do not change nozzle unless you want to have the change to reseat the whole thing.

Posted : 28/12/2021 4:08 pm