mesh bed leveling failed and z axis leveling cannot be adjusted
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mesh bed leveling failed and z axis leveling cannot be adjusted  

Ecology rules
New Member
mesh bed leveling failed and z axis leveling cannot be adjusted

during the mesh bed leveling the nozzle got too close to the bed and it made a little scar.

We do not know how to get the nozzle higher and we are scared to run the test again

Respondido : 07/11/2020 9:40 am
Illustrious Member
RE: mesh bed leveling failed and z axis leveling cannot be adjusted
Posted by: @risastindl

during the mesh bed leveling the nozzle got too close to the bed and it made a little scar.

We do not know how to get the nozzle higher and we are scared to run the test again


You must first make sure that the printing bed is reasonably well levelled and that the axes, e.g. the X-axis is parallel to the printing bed.
Additionally I would check the flatness with a ruler.
Prusa also offers some support on their help pages:

It's important to adjust the Z column well (do not tighten the screws too much). The left side, where the tension pulley is located, will also tend to twist and shifts the height of the nozzle. However, the Mini should be able to compensate the bed surface up to 0.5mm.


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 07/11/2020 2:40 pm
John Crutcher
New Member
RE: mesh bed leveling failed and z axis leveling cannot be adjusted

the problem sounds like the z sensor is mounted too high in the housing.  My suggestion is to manually lower the nozzle to the bed while having the sensor loose in housing. move two sheets of paper under the sensor, then tighten in housing. This should bring you to within fine tuning range.

Respondido : 13/11/2020 6:56 pm