Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...
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Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...  

New Member
Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...

Before starting this thread, I did a search to see if there were/are any other threads on this topic and couldn't find any related. If there are, just let me know and I'll add my post/request there.


I just received a Prusa Mini as a gift... First Prusa, but not my first 3d printer.

Going through the setup, calibration, loading of filament etc... There doesn't seem to be any option (unless I'm missing something), to make bed heating optional in many of the inbuilt menu options. Including when ABL/bed probing is taking place before printing g-code.

For example: if I need to change my filament before a print (not during a print), the process heats up the bed unnecessarily. The temp options for what is to be loaded (like: PLA, ABS etc) shows the temp of the nozzle and the bed. The bed being heated in this situation, just to change the filament, is completely pointless and wastes energy, especially if it takes multiple attempts just to load the filament.

Plus you have the safety issue of the bed being heated, when not in actual use, as in you are not printing - but just changing the filament.

I know that during normal printing, the temps can be adjusted and you can also set the temps in G-code etc... But that is ignored when you start the print. ABL/bed probing takes place at 170C with the bed temp at 45C.

It would be useful; plus it would also help save energy, if it was possible to make it "optional" in the firmware, for the bed to be heated (having the option to change the temp) when using the built in options.

Some people reading this, may be thinking that you wouldn't save much.

But if you do all your printing at 0C (Zero C) bed temps, like I do. With only the nozzle being powered during the print. Then not having the option to use the built in menu options *without heating the bed* (or being able to change the temps). Like for the first layer calibration option, with no bed heat. To be able to say: calibrate on a different "no heat" bed/sheet/printing option.

Or to simply do a print without the need to heat the bed to 45C just to do the ABL/bed probing. When your planning on printing at 0C bed temp, then bed probing would be better at 0C... Or at the temp you'll actualy be printing the G-code at.

This may seem unusual...

For me it's not, as I have been printing for a short time now on other machines, mainly at 0C (Zero C) bed temps for months now. I've been testing out different surfaces/sheet materials, to print on and have had quite a bit of success. I have had a bit of adhesion issue, but who hasn't, even on heated beds.

On the other printers, I'm able to do a lot of things that are built in, without the bed even turning on by default. Like changing the filament without the bed being involved. Leveling the bed without heat etc.

The mini's built in options (like the wissard, and diagnostics are not found in any of the other printers I've used) are convenient and very useful... But limited, as they assume bed heating is always required; including when changing the filament, when it isn't even needed.



Basically the reason for starting this thread, was to ask the Prusa Mini firmware team: can you add a "Cold Running" option setting, where heating the bed has to be explicitly configured/requested. As in you have to make the effort to set a temp on the bed. Say if you want the bed to be heated when your loading the filament.

Or to do ABL/Bed probing before a print, you having to request what temp to do it at, even if the G-code then turns the bed off, when the print is being done.

If the above doesn't make sense, just let me know.

Napsal : 09/12/2022 5:19 pm
Illustrious Member

Prusa devs rarely check in here.  This is a user forum.

For suggestions like this it's best to go to the github repository.


Napsal : 10/12/2022 6:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...

This has already been requested in the PRUSA min firmware GitHub. For example  or  

Napsal : 10/12/2022 9:33 pm
Member Moderator

Hi, this discussion can have several different view angles.

What is the reason to load a filament? I am going to print, so the prehated bed can be advantage.

Is not necessary to highlight MBL needs the bed preheated to 170°C as well to execute the MBL always under same temperaturel conditions.

There are several points, where there are recomendations, after print store  your filament to the dry place avoiding wet filament spitting at the next print and load it when you are going to print.

Fortunatelly there is a safety timeout which switchs off the heating after 30 minutes of inactivity. In my opinion there is more dangerous to leave the prehated nozzle, where you can set the temp up to 280°C.

When you want to experiment with filament, you can use the option Settings->Temperature-> Nozzle and Settings->Move axis -> e to load unload filament.

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Napsal : 11/12/2022 5:53 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...

On the posts on github... Didn’t know about them, so thanks for the heads up. It’s good to know, I’m not the only one thinking about this.

In terms of situations where bed heating is definitely not needed, changing the Nozzle would come top of the list. One situation would be related to changing over to an abrasive filament, while also changing over to a specialty nozzle that’s only used with that abrasive filaments. So you would end up removing the non abrasive filament, before changing the nozzle, in order to start printing the abrasive one. 

With the mini's small amount of clearance, a cold bed makes things safer and less likely to burn yourself. And faster if you don’t have to wait for cool down.

For those who have limited space and may need to put away the printer between uses. Assuming that someone will always be printing after removing the filament is just plain incorrect. 

The assumptions may be for convenience, but their incorrect on just an interface usability design stand point. 

Also if you have a DiamondBack Nozzle installed, from what I understand, the default temps may actually be way too high, and causes wastage of filament, as the Diamond can cause the filament to start melting even at 170C. But that’s a different story altogether.

Then there is the whole £0.37 per Kw that I’m dealing with. Printing on a cold bed saves quite a bit of money.

Napsal : 21/12/2022 4:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Making bed heating optional in the firmware to save energy...

If you are going to change a nozzle why are you using the preheat options ?  Why aren't you just setting the nozzle temperature directly ?  On my MK3 i just set to what's needed and the bed isn't heated.  You should be able to specify both the nozzle and bed temperatures directly, just don't use the built in preheat.

If you don't want the bed heated on a print then create a new printer profile where the start gcode doesn't preheat for mesh levelling (which will make your first layer less accurate and so could impact adhesion), then modify a filament profile where the bed is set to zero.  Then just slice, and print the g-code.  The bed wont heat up.  No need for any firmware changes on the printer, its all in how you configure the slicer.  You can do it immediately, there's nothing stopping you from changing any of this yourself.

Napsal : 21/12/2022 4:39 pm