hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.
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hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.  

New Member
hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.

Goodday all, I could use some input on the followin issue, please:

I installed a Phaetus Dragon HF, and used new thermistor and new hotend heater (Prusa original) and the silicone sock. However, the selftest is persistantly failing on the nozzle heating (log file shows "Nozzle 118 out of range (130-190)". I tried to find some info about this problem, but only found advise to check the wiring, but that's all brand new.
Tried again, using thermal paste on both thermistor and heater, no improvement: failed selftest again.
Then I did a PID calibration using Pronterface, and the result was P33.61 I3.42 D82.67. I used this data in a small GCODE file with command M301, and tried again the selftest.
Still the same failure, and even got the 22202 error. That made me check the resistance of the wires. Both the thermistor (116.6 k Ohm) and the hotend heater (14.5 Ohm) are within the specified ranges.
So now I don't have a clue what to try next.

Latest firmware is installed: 4.4.1 +4194
Both thermistor and hotend heater freshly ordered from Prusa
Both mounted with a bit of thermal paste
Hotend: Phaetus Dragon HF with silicone sock

If more info is needed, please let me know.
Does anyone have any suggestions?


Napsal : 05/04/2023 9:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.

Some follow up on the above: I rigged up the original mini hotend with the installed thermistor and heater cartridge, and the selftest didn't fail. I then did the same setup with the second dragon hotend  (destined for a MK3S) and then same failure as with the installed hotend.

So, problem is definitely not the wiring, apparently,  somehow the dragon hotend is more difficult to heat up with the standard heater cartridge.

Does anyone know if a 24v/50w (2.1A) heater cartridge would be a solution?

Napsal : 06/04/2023 8:34 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.

After so many failed attempts, decided to reverse the modification. Apparently it wasn't meant to be.


Topic closed

Napsal : 07/04/2023 7:19 pm
Famed Member
RE: hotend heater problem after Dragon HF upgrade, failing selftest.

All I can say is that I'm running Dragon hotends on four printers without any issues but they are all standard flow versions. I stayed away from HF after seeing way too many reports of issues with it. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 08/04/2023 2:15 am