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[Résolu] Filament stuck wrapped in extruder assembly  

New Member
Filament stuck wrapped in extruder assembly

Hey folks. I was attempting to unload some PLA and it became stuck inside the extruder assembly. The extruder gear was not grinding or anything and seems to not catch on the filament at all. I opened all the doors and couldn't find the filament. I was able to finally pull the filament out after disassembling the extruder gear assembly. The filament was wrapped around like in the photos. I wanted to document this and see if any one has ideas of how to prevent this.

filament wrapped

Best Answer by Crawlerin:

It happens when idler tension is too high, loosening it helps prevent this. the "Extruder Idler Screw" section.

Publié : 04/11/2020 9:17 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Filament stuck wrapped in extruder assembly

It happens when idler tension is too high, loosening it helps prevent this. the "Extruder Idler Screw" section.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 4 years par Crawlerin
Publié : 05/11/2020 1:58 pm
prnthp a aimé
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filament stuck wrapped in extruder assembly
Posted by: @crawlerin

It happens when idler tension is too high, loosening it helps prevent this. the "Extruder Idler Screw" section.

Thanks! I didn't even bother to set it when I assembled the printer. D'oh!

Publié : 05/11/2020 9:34 pm
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