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E1 error; hot end and bed won't heat up  

New Member
E1 error; hot end and bed won't heat up

Hi, I just got my prusa mini today and just finished assembling it; had no problems. During the self test, all the fans and axes work just fine, but the bed and hot end will not heat up. They just stay at the current temperature of 22/23 degrees C. It takes a bit for it to try and heat up, and then I get the E1 error. I've checked over the wiring to the board about 7 times at this point; nothing appears to be wrong. I haven't had a chance to test it with a volt meter yet. I'm including a picture of the board in case I was wrong and plugged in a cable wrong somewhere. If anyone has any input, please, any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

Postato : 05/08/2020 8:03 am
Gordon W
Reputable Member
RE: E1 error; hot end and bed won't heat up

I'd suggest contacting support through the web chat on the eshop page, they should be able to help you and send any spare parts if necessary.

Postato : 05/08/2020 8:13 am