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Downgrading the Firmware  

Eminent Member
Downgrading the Firmware

I ran into an issue after installing 4.0.1 and wanted to try reverting to 4.0.0, but I could not figure out how.  The Mini ignores firmware files on the USB stick if they are the same or older than its current version. Prusa support said there should be an option in the menus but didn't know where. The menu tree is pretty small and if its there, I couldn't find it. Support also said I could try flashing the firmware using Prusa Slicer over the micro USB port. I identified the COM port of the printer but got a "Could not open port" error when trying to flash from Prusa Slicer. 

Prusa support identified the issue as being hardware related (Z-axis Homing Issue) but I would still like to know its possible to revert to older firmware if there is a problem. 

Any ideas?

Veröffentlicht : 21/12/2019 6:54 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Downgrading the Firmware

Maybe try a factory reset. Your Mini came from the factory without or with the initial release of F/W.

Veröffentlicht : 21/12/2019 8:27 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Downgrading the Firmware


Thanks, but I did a factory reset to try to resolve the initial issue.  It cleared the settings but it stayed at 4.0.1.  I then tried to flash again with no luck.

I had to flash my Mini to 4.0.0 when I first assembled it (large note in the package).  I got a few prints done than 4.0.1 came out.  I upgraded and got one more print done before I encountered the problem.  Again, Prusa support is very confident the problem is hardware related, broken MINDA cable. 

I don't think there is anything wrong with 4.0.1, but it would be nice to know there is a way to roll back to older firmware if a problem does pop up.

Veröffentlicht : 21/12/2019 8:40 pm
RE: Downgrading the Firmware

You might be able to reflash old firmware by holding the click wheel for a few seconds after pressing reset with the firmware on the USB stick. This was suggested on a support chat, but I don't plan to reflash the same firmware I'm already running unless my alternate USB drive also fails to be detected sometimes.

Veröffentlicht : 29/12/2019 11:32 pm