2 month old Mini+ losing precision on the x axis
I've printed several models over the last two months and been very impressed with the output. In the last week I've had one model start showing imprecise x axis layers. I do not see problems with the belt teeth or tension of the belt. is there anything else I should be looking at? Layers in the Y and Z axis' still look good. I have not re-sliced the mode or changed the gcode since my first print of it.
This is the model that is starting to show x axis problems - https://media.printables.com/media/prints/57885/stls/635616_81ca8f3d-b82e-47db-9e0a-395e94616bf4/outside_shell_square.stl#_ga=2.177002469.1112705216.1657907475-1841166403.1657907475
sliced in Prusa slicer, prusament pla, configured for the Mini+.
I have two copies that are perfect and now two that have the x axis layer offset (left and right, not just to one side) about .25" up from the start of the print and then the rest of the models is perfect.