pronterface doesn't work on ubuntu? (Command not found)
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pronterface doesn't work on ubuntu? (Command not found)  

Estimable Member
pronterface doesn't work on ubuntu? (Command not found)

Pronterface used to come pundled with prusa-slicer, but no longer does.  I need it to send commands and receive results to calibrate my extruder.  If I install ponterface and connect to my MK3S, it connects fine.  However, when I try to type in a command it sits there for a while and then says "Command not found".  I suspect this has something to do with the python connection, but don't have a clue how to diagnose/fix it.  ponterface itself is invoked via python3; I thought it might be trying to use "python" instead of "python3" as a command, so added a symlink for python->python3 but that didn't affect anything.  What's the necessary magic?

Napsal : 25/04/2024 11:16 pm