Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model
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Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model  

New Member
Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model
Hello all, I have noticed some awkward behaviors related to cura and prusa slicer slicing my model, the one that the link below leads to, and I really don't know WHY they did behave that way!!! .
well, I did designed that model to participate with it in the latest prusa contest and I focused on making it simple and easy to print as possiple as I can. but I noticed that slicers complicate things when it comes to my design.
first, I tried the spiral mode version without brim and here what I noticed when I used both cura and prusa slicer.
** Using cura, in the first layer the printer head moved from out to inward the whole bath of the spiral without loading any filament then started printing from in to outward printing at the same z-level. and for the the following layers it did the same thing. it performed the same layer twice. one outward printing the layer and the other inward without loading any filament and in between it did moved outward and inward for no reason. I mean why it didn't move directly to the start point agian without following to print a new layer the whole same bath?! I don't know.
** and when I sliced it with Prusa slicer, it did good with first layer but the same issue happend in the following layers. it had to make it twice for each layer. though it does still easy to print anyway, I am really unable to understad this behavior. If anyone knows or can explain why this might happen, please DO? thak you guys.

Best Answer by jsw:

Ok, now that I took a look at what you are trying to do, I don't think that 'vase mode' is the tool for the job.  Vase mode is intended for objects that have a continuous outline, where it will extrude one layer, then progress seamlessly (pun not intended) to the next layer right on top, etc.  This model does not have a single continuous outer shell.

However, that did not stop me from trying.  😉

When I sliced it with PrusaSlicer, it was UGLY and I know that it would not print.

When I sliced it with Cura, using the 'spiralize outer contour' mode, it sliced it OK, but I did not try to print it.

My suggestion is to avoid the vase mode for this, as the wrong tool for the job.

Veröffentlicht : 21/09/2020 7:27 pm
Famed Member
RE: Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model

Ok, I downloaded the rigid version and sliced it with both Cura and PrusaSlicer and both of them appeared to slice properly.  My hunch is that both would print as expected.  The startup gcode looks sane, so there's no reason that it should not extrude filament.

With Cura, I used the 'playback' feature and the extrusion does follow the spiral in the expected path.  It's like a 9 hour print so I don't feel like printing it just to see if it prints.  🙂  If you really get stuck, I could probably start it using some tag end filament and abort it after I see that it's printing.  Let me know.

Now, this does, however, look similar to a throw-away test object I made over at the local 'makerspace' a few years ago as we were learning some of the advanced drafting techniques.  What I ended up with was kind of a spiral 'slinky' thing that everyone had fun playing with.  One of the ladies in the class nicknamed it the Mystic Spiral for reasons I won't go into.  🙂  Someone suggested that I add fixtures at each end, so I did.

Anyway, this was an experiment where you took two shapes and promoted them among dimensions and used one to trace the path of the other.  It was sliced with Cura and printed on a Taz 5, and sliced and printed without issues in 1-2 hours.  I kept it (why?) for some reason and this reminded me of it.  I do know that such a thing is possible to slice and print without any issues.  See below.

Veröffentlicht : 22/09/2020 2:07 am
Kidwani gefällt das
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model

Well, I created the rigid version to overcome those issues coming out of the spiral in the spiral case mode version. 

Though using a brim in the spiral vase mode version helped to slice the print properly, I just don't understand why it behaved that way hen I did it first time without a brim.

If you can download the spiral case version and tell me what you think the issue is, I 'll be grateful 

And by the way the mystic print is very coooool 😉 😆 


Veröffentlicht : 22/09/2020 8:29 pm
Famed Member
RE: Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model

Sure, let me finish up one little item and I'll try the vase mode one.

Veröffentlicht : 23/09/2020 12:18 am
Kidwani gefällt das
Famed Member
RE: Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model

Ok, now that I took a look at what you are trying to do, I don't think that 'vase mode' is the tool for the job.  Vase mode is intended for objects that have a continuous outline, where it will extrude one layer, then progress seamlessly (pun not intended) to the next layer right on top, etc.  This model does not have a single continuous outer shell.

However, that did not stop me from trying.  😉

When I sliced it with PrusaSlicer, it was UGLY and I know that it would not print.

When I sliced it with Cura, using the 'spiralize outer contour' mode, it sliced it OK, but I did not try to print it.

My suggestion is to avoid the vase mode for this, as the wrong tool for the job.

Veröffentlicht : 23/09/2020 12:39 am
Kidwani gefällt das
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Awkward behaviour from slicers when slicing my model


Thanks. I think I will consider that in the future.

Veröffentlicht : 24/09/2020 4:44 pm