Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse
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Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse  

Active Member
Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse

Hi Guys, 

I have an MK3 with Prusa Connect on a Raspberry Pi W2 and I was wondering if it's possible to connect an Adafruit Feather 32u4 BlueFruit LE to the Einsy board with the pi installed. 

I came across this old article on timelapse with your smartphone using a Bluetooth LE remote trigger. I am not sure if I could use the Pi in replacement of the Adafruit Feather or just piggyback off the pins on the Pi plugged into the Einsy board to power the Feather board. 

Please let me know your thoughts. 

Opublikowany : 05/05/2024 6:16 am
Prominent Member

Please tell us more how you connected the Rpi Zero W to the printer.

I have few ideas, in general you can use just rpi to listen to gpio pin trigger (and a script to send command via BLE to the cam).
You can also add Feather to the mix if needed to listen to gpio pin trigger.

And you can power both devices from the printer.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Opublikowany : 06/05/2024 7:32 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse


I have that pi connected currently in the pi slot on the back of the Einsy board as per the setup instructions for running prusa link 

Opublikowany : 06/05/2024 1:14 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse

hm, looking at , especially
and especially
and comparing it to ...

It looks like the trigger pin from einsy is exacklty in the place where ground pin is on Rapsberry Pi - not great, because you would have to rewire it to other pin (if you like soldering) or somehow do a reroute with some pogo pins not to touch ground on rpi.
So it would be better to choose different pin, if einsy allows it and has spare pin that could be useable and not colliding with gpio pins on rpi. So this needs further search which pins are availabe to use.

Next - triggering would be better done not to generate 5V level (M42 S255 P73 where S255 is max value) but maybe something lower (so probably S168 but would need to check with the multimeter if it actually generates that voltage).

Additionally not sure what's going on on the prusalink rpi image, but double check it has bluetooth enabled (if not then notice that enabling ti may break all the thigns )

So in best scenario you should be able to use rpi with triggering via gcode specific einsy pin, which would be detecded by code on rpi, which would then execute command to send message via bluetooth.

In worst scenario attach Feather to power pins on rpi gpio and re-route default pin from einsy to Feather and use Feather for detection of the gpio pin change and sending message via bluetooth. This leaves rpi intact - and doing what it woudl be doing - running PrusaLink.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2024 9:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect with Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth LE trigger for timelapse

Thanks for your thorough reply.

Opublikowany : 09/05/2024 5:37 am