Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.
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Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.  

Active Member
Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

Since my printer is on an isolated, secured wifi, I'd very much like to bypass password requirements, so I can use whatever password I want, even if it's not as secure as prusa would want. I never plan on allowing anyone else to access the printer, so I see no point in limiting me with these requirements:

Password can't contain spaces on the beggining nor the end and must meet at least one of these options:

- Minimal length 8 characters, including one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number

- Minimal length 8 characters, including one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. @)

- Minimal length 15 characters

I guess what I'm asking is for a checkbox that I could select prior to changing my password that would allow me to use whatever password I want, and bypass the security restrictions (obviously with a huge RED prompt asking me if I'm sure).

Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 8:52 am
Zappes polubić
Member Moderator
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

Hi, we disagree about this in the Connect team. If anybody stumbles upon this, like the OPs post, if you want something similar.

I promise nothing, as it stands it has been decided not to allow open access to Link. But data always comes in handy if one would to re-visit an argument. Thank you

Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 9:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

I'm not asking for open access (no password), just the ability to use w/e password I want, and not be forced to use one letter, one number, one symbol, etc...

You could even force the password requirements if the printer is connected to PrusaConnect, but if it isn't (only PrusaLink), then users should be able to bypass password requirements and choose whatever password they want.

This post was modified 1 year temu 3 times by Viccroy
Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 9:57 am
Member Moderator
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

Yup, we just haven't talked about giving the option to bypass password requirements, so i answered with the most similar thing we discussed.

Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 10:25 am
Viccroy polubić
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

I am at home with my mini connected to my network using a network cable directly connected to my home network.  My browser won't even remember the password for PrusaLink.   I can't imagine if I had a couple more printers connected, how irritated I would be having to type in the username and password every time on my isolated network.  this is not a big ask to allow me to choose in my own home to not have to use a password to the equipment I own.  

Opublikowany : 09/03/2024 7:40 am
Honorable Member
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

The fact that Prusa does not want to do it is fair point. But that does not mean it can not be done anyway, at least not directly 😉

You can do it outside of the printer via proxying requests, for example using nginx https://github.com/nvtkaszpir/3d-print/tree/main/prusa-link-no-password

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Opublikowany : 10/03/2024 9:01 am
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

Sincere thanks.


Although I am not familiar with docker, I look forward to learning.


Thanks again for your reply.

Opublikowany : 10/03/2024 11:00 am
Honorable Member
RE: Ability to bypass PrusaLink local account password restrictions.

You don't need docker for that, if you have some linux system just install nginx and add the configs and it should work. Docker just makes it easier to isolate it.

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Opublikowany : 10/03/2024 8:07 pm