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Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini  

Eminent Member
Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini

I have a question, is there a permanent way to adjust the Z-Axis and does this Z-Axis ever shift over time? 

- I currently need to be about -1.90 ish for my prints to go through with PLA

- 2.00 seems to be max. I have do dial this way down from the Zero setting when calibrating first layer and I find this extremely odd, and I cannot get past the 2.00 Max barrier on the Z-Axis

- At the 0 setting, the head is very far away from the bed.

Best Answer by karl-herbert:

Posted by: @max1

I have a question, is there a permanent way to adjust the Z-Axis and does this Z-Axis ever shift over time? 

- I currently need to be about -1.90 ish for my prints to go through with PLA

- 2.00 seems to be max. I have do dial this way down from the Zero setting when calibrating first layer and I find this extremely odd, and I cannot get past the 2.00 Max barrier on the Z-Axis

- At the 0 setting, the head is very far away from the bed.

Move the nozzle towards the print bed (approx. 0.1mm distance) and set the SPINDA to distance with a 1.5mm feeler gauge (the old MINDA 1mm).

Respondido : 27/01/2021 9:50 pm
Active Member
RE: Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini

This depends on how far away from the heating bed your probe is mounted.

Try to mount the probe closer to the heating bed, then your offset value should decrease.


Respondido : 27/01/2021 10:13 pm
Active Member
RE: Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini

And yes, the Z-Axis shifts over time a bit due the the weight of the extruder, due the wear of the trapezoidal motor nuts and printed Z-Top motor mounting which also warps a bit due to thermal expansion because the Z-Stepper is getting warm over time.


Every time a little bit but over time its all adds up to a not negligible value .

Respondido : 27/01/2021 10:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini
Posted by: @max1

I have a question, is there a permanent way to adjust the Z-Axis and does this Z-Axis ever shift over time? 

- I currently need to be about -1.90 ish for my prints to go through with PLA

- 2.00 seems to be max. I have do dial this way down from the Zero setting when calibrating first layer and I find this extremely odd, and I cannot get past the 2.00 Max barrier on the Z-Axis

- At the 0 setting, the head is very far away from the bed.

Move the nozzle towards the print bed (approx. 0.1mm distance) and set the SPINDA to distance with a 1.5mm feeler gauge (the old MINDA 1mm).

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 27/01/2021 10:23 pm
MAX1 me gusta
Active Member
RE: Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini

And in the end: just take the Z-Stepper in to your hand and move it a bit.


You will do notice that the Z-Axis is a kind of wobbly.

Respondido : 27/01/2021 10:24 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z-Axis 0 default vs Actual on Mini


Thank you. This was the perfect solution.

I adjusted my probe up (quite a lot!) - and I am near default settings ("0") for first layer. Great group here and quick responses. I did try self help before posting and was not able to find the answer without posting.

Respondido : 27/01/2021 11:19 pm