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Unloading filament  

Active Member
Unloading filament

So after completing my initial print (Benchy, obviously) - I attempted a second print only to find the new filament wouldn't load. After a couple of days of head-scratching, disassembly and reassembly of the extruder (3 times!), I finally got it all working and I'm now mid second print and it occurred to me - should I always unload the filament before shut-down? If I leave it as is, is there a risk of clogging?

I ask because after Benchy I left the galaxy black sample in the printer which led to the previously mentioned extruder adventure.

Thanks in advance. 

Opublikowany : 22/07/2021 11:49 am
Illustrious Member

Most people can leave the printer loaded for a day or so without problems but if you are in a high humidity area you might have to unload and dry some of your filaments between every print ...

PLA can become very stiff and brittle so that attempts to load are frustrated by filament curving out of line or snapping.

And filament left loaded in a damp atmosphere can snap under its own flexion.

So after completing my initial print (Benchy, obviously)

Benchy is a risky choice of initial print, it is designed to test both the printer and the user well beyond the beginner level.  It will not have any impact on the next print.

If you continue to have problems show us a picture of a recent print.


Opublikowany : 22/07/2021 1:32 pm
HelenaB polubić
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for responding.

All prints so far look good, it was just getting to the actual printing part that took time.

I live in a very hot and humid location so I think to be on the safe side I'll unload the filament every time. I bought a "dry box" specifically for filament. So I'll be extra cautious.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2021 1:40 pm
New Member
probably unnecessary

I don't think anyone unloads the filament after printing. PLA isn't especially hygroscopic, I've found that high temp PLA is much worse. You should try it without unloading first, if blobs and stringing appear in your prints, and you hear crackling while printing, the PLA is humid and you need to keep it in a drybox, and perhaps unload only if you are not going to be using the printer for a couple of days. I suppose. Also, when unloading, make sure you pull the filament out, the moment the servo stops.

Opublikowany : 31/07/2021 1:02 pm
Reputable Member
Filament Dryer

A filament dryer will work way better than a drybox, especially for more hygroscopic filaments like PETG and ASA.



Opublikowany : 31/07/2021 6:29 pm
bobstro polubić