Turn off your mini after every print if controlled serially
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Turn off your mini after every print if controlled serially  

Trusted Member
Turn off your mini after every print if controlled serially


I've been tearing my hear out for about a year trying to isolate the source of a random serial disconnection while running under OctoPrint/OctoFarm.

This month, I finally had the time/clarity to run a couple of tests to isolate it, and I have it. 

Symptom: You walk up to your mini, frozen, heaters on. Inspection of octoprint logs shows "requesting line XXXX" over and over again, with octoprint giving up and closing the connection.

Test 1: 100 print run on 16 machines over 7 days, 50MB per print GCODE file, no power cycles between prints. Pi power remains on regardless.

Result: Day 1-4 100% effective. Day 5, 1 machine drop. Day 6, 2 machines drop. Day 7, 4 machines drop. 93% effective otherwise.

Test 2: 100 print run on 16 machines over 7 days, this time with a power cycle ("PortLister" plugin used for quality of life) after every completed print. All other conditions are the same.  

Result: Day 7, 100th print completed without a single disconnection. 100% effective.  

I think there may be a memory leak somewhere in the serial parsing/handling of the 4.3.2 firmware (and all prior revs.)


Anyways, I thought I'd share for anyone else that does a lot of printing and has encountered this seemingly random bug. 

Posted : 18/08/2021 4:06 am


I have not seen this but I am probably not [rinting at your volume.  I will try what you are doing and see what happens.  I have all 5ive of my minies on octofarm and octoprint.  How long of a print?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 18/08/2021 10:02 am
Illustrious Member

Interesting. I have seen random disconnects in the middle of a print on both Minis and Mk3S. Nothing in the logs was helpful. I pretty much never power cycle them. Maybe I should start doing so.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 18/08/2021 10:55 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
File and Print Durations


Posted by: @cwbullet


I have not seen this but I am probably not [rinting at your volume.  I will try what you are doing and see what happens.  I have all 5ive of my minies on octofarm and octoprint.  How long of a print?

File sizes were around 50MB, and print times range between 12-15 hours each print. Some machines would drop out on the 5th print, some the 6th or 7th. I couldn't narrow it down to a specific duration or total MB count as I wasn't there to hack which line the prints had failed. Days 1 through 4 (basically prints 1 - 4) showed no problems for the entire rack. 

I don't want to track which print each printer is on, so I decided just to power cycle after each and make it part of the harvest routine. It adds about 3 seconds to each harvest, but OctoPrint automatically reconnects with PortLister so it's not too inconvenient. 

Posted : 18/08/2021 12:14 pm

Any particular plugins installed?  

I have the perfect print that I need to print for a customer so I will print 20-30 copies to sell on line.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 18/08/2021 12:40 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Keep it simple

I run RPi 3B+ with wifi & bluetooth disabled (rfkill block wifi/bluetooth). All on static IPs , with 2 hubs back to a 16 port GB managed network switch for the paths for any 1 printer in the army. Closed network airgapped from the outside. 

Octoprint plugins: PrintTimeGenius, PrintHistory, and PortLister. I'm still running octopi-buster-lite-0.17.0 image on all, as I froze the config about a year ago. It has been so stable, and I got sick of fiddling with the network every time an update came down. 

Posted : 18/08/2021 12:48 pm