*NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out
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*NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out  

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Same Old Shane
Membre Admin
*NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


  • Improved system dialogues
  • Error screen includes appendix info
  • RPM range increased
  • PID disabled during heater test
  • Saving logs to USB suspended
  • Bug fixes

Improved system dialogues

Selected system dialogues were updated to improve clarity. In this release, new screens are introduced:

  • USB drive error is detected during the print
  • Heating is disabled after 30 minutes of inactivity


Error screen includes appendix info

In case of a more serious system error, a red error screen is displayed informing the user about what went wrong and how to fix it. Part of this screen is now information about the status of the appendix. There are two possible scenarios:

  • The system detects the Appendix, then a [A] is displayed on the screen
  • The system detects a broken Appendix, then no sign is displayed.

RPM range increased

Previously, the range of the cooling fans was set based on the measured values in the tests. However, as a result, some fans were not correctly evaluated by the system. The range will be thus temporarily extended and further adjusted after another round of testing to correctly detect and evaluate the connected fans.

PID disabled during heater test

While testing the hotend and heatbed heaters, the system now temporarily disables the PID regulating feature and uses full available power. This results in a faster heat-up, effectively shortening the test duration.

Saving log to USB suspended

The previous firmware release 4.3.0-RC1 enabled advanced users to save logs (results) of the tests to a USB drive for further evaluation. As stated in the release notes, this feature was experimental and in some scenarios may have caused a BSOD screen.

Based on the feedback, this feature is now temporarily disabled until a new, more robust, the USB driver is finalized by the developers. Applying a new driver will improve the handling of the USB flash drives and increase the overall stability of the system.

Bug fixes

  • Some translated Prusa Connect Local messages were displayed with a longer delay, this is now fixed (response is faster).
  • The final parking position of the print head (X-coordinate) was united for the First layer calibration and a finished print.
  • In some scenarios, the testers were able to invoke a “watchdog reset”, but instead of displaying the red screen, the system showed a blue BSOD screen. There was an internal issue with the procedure “calling” for incorrect GUI function. This is now fixed.
  • In case of damage to the thermistor (short circuit) on the hotend or heatbed, the system could end up in an endless loop of Maxtemp error screens. This scenario is now fixed and after the first reset, the system displays an error message and waits for user interaction.




Please report any issues here


Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Publié : 18/01/2021 1:15 pm
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

Woohoo.  Thanks

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 18/01/2021 4:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out
Posted by: @same-old-shane



Saving log to USB suspended

The previous firmware release 4.3.0-RC1 enabled advanced users to save logs (results) of the tests to a USB drive for further evaluation. As stated in the release notes, this feature was experimental and in some scenarios may have caused a BSOD screen.

Based on the feedback, this feature is now temporarily disabled until a new, more robust, the USB driver is finalized by the developers. Applying a new driver will improve the handling of the USB flash drives and increase the overall stability of the system.

Thanks for the information!

If I understand correctly, in 4.3.0 RC2 I can no longer save the dump.bin to the USB stick? I just recently had a problem (bluescreen) with the 4.2.0 and forwarded the dump file to Prusa.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 18/01/2021 4:23 pm
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

Interesting.  I installed the firmware and my printer keets restarting every time I print.  I will submite a github if it continues.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 19/01/2021 1:13 am
Estimable Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

I upgraded mine and printed an Owl in 50% size, no problems nor restarts.

Publié : 19/01/2021 12:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


That is precisely the problem. The update works for most people, but not for some. There are certainly still subtleties in the firmware to regulate. I would publish this on Github.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 19/01/2021 1:03 pm
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


I think mine might be due to an overhearing power suppy.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 19/01/2021 1:27 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


Can you still remember? I once asked for the connector for the power supply here in the forum. I ordered this connector in the USA and have installed it on a Meanwell RSP 320W. So the mini heating bed easily manages 110 degrees C. and the voltage remains stable.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 19/01/2021 4:25 pm
Estimable Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


Saving crash dump to USB still works. Just tried second time and it does work, at least a file dump.bin is created.

Publié : 19/01/2021 4:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


Thanks for the information!
What is the size (kb) of the dump file?


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 19/01/2021 5:31 pm
Estimable Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

ls -ltr:

So about 1248 kB. I don't know how much usage affects the size, I had printed successfully few whistles and tried to save the dump file afterwards. Based on the timestamp (1980-01-01), the buddy's calendar is way of the mark. I might have overlooked something and haven't configured it correctly. Timezone is still set correctly and the timestamp for the file was correct (didn't check how precise it was, but within an hour or so).

Publié : 19/01/2021 7:00 pm
karl-herbert a aimé
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


Thank you for your efforts! My dump.bin is also 1248 kb in size. I just wanted to be sure that it is not a null byte file.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 19/01/2021 7:39 pm
Pinkie Pie
Eminent Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

Kinda a bummer they didn't increased heatsink cooling fan or added secret E-STEPS menu

Publié : 19/01/2021 8:21 pm
Alex Hung a aimé
Estimable Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

Baby steps. As long as the updates are coming quite frequently, I don't mind. But then again I'm running stock Mini (with SPINDA) which performs quite good with PETG.

Publié : 20/01/2021 9:29 am
Estimable Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

I created bug report for the wrong date on the created dump.bin file's creation/modification timestamp.

Publié : 20/01/2021 12:17 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out
Posted by: @karl-herbert
Posted by: @same-old-shane



Saving log to USB suspended

The previous firmware release 4.3.0-RC1 enabled advanced users to save logs (results) of the tests to a USB drive for further evaluation. As stated in the release notes, this feature was experimental and in some scenarios may have caused a BSOD screen.

Based on the feedback, this feature is now temporarily disabled until a new, more robust, the USB driver is finalized by the developers. Applying a new driver will improve the handling of the USB flash drives and increase the overall stability of the system.

Thanks for the information!

If I understand correctly, in 4.3.0 RC2 I can no longer save the dump.bin to the USB stick? I just recently had a problem (bluescreen) with the 4.2.0 and forwarded the dump file to Prusa.


This concerns only logging the tests. Dump is working as before. 😉 

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Publié : 22/01/2021 5:28 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out
Posted by: @cwbullet

Interesting.  I installed the firmware and my printer keets restarting every time I print.  I will submite a github if it continues.

 Can you please be more precise?

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Publié : 22/01/2021 5:31 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out
Posted by: @pinkie-pie

Kinda a bummer they didn't increased heatsink cooling fan or added secret E-STEPS menu

You do not need secret estep menu, just use a costom G (M92) code at the beginning of the print file.

As far as I know the MINI is using max hotend fan speed which I measured  is arround 8800 RPM. When you run fantest with 4.3.0 RC1 with usb stick you can see in the test protocol the measured RPM speeds per fan.

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Publié : 22/01/2021 5:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out


Thanks for clarifying! That means, it remains to be seen what will happen in the near future in the further development of the USB drivers for the board, whoever may be working on it.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Publié : 22/01/2021 6:01 pm
Eminent Member
RE: *NEW* 4.3.0-RC2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ is out

Were is best place to respond with RC2 issue?

I have RC2 loaded.  PETG filament loaded.  I do a first layer cal. form the HW setting -> sheet menu.  When the it completed it continues extruding about 3cm of filament.

Publié : 23/01/2021 3:22 am
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