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Filament change after tall print  

New Member
Filament change after tall print

Printing ends at 179mm, I take the print, turn the printer off. Next I turn it on, I select change filament and the printer immediately wants to kill it's gears (I hope it hasn't yet,  the horrible grinding sound it made, does not give me confidence) because it doesn't know it's at 179mm and it attempts to go higher. And after it would have parked itself, it would go even higher. So I'm assuming even if the print ended at about 160 it would still hit the ceiling at the second lift. This needs to be addressed.

Posted : 29/01/2022 11:00 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Filament change after tall print

Hi Zeropoint, 

Part of the Z calibration process is to raise the X axis until both Z Motors stall against the Z top Brackets, 
so whilst this situation is noisy, it should not be a problem

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/01/2022 12:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Filament change after tall print

A--it's normal behavior, it's not going to damage your printer. 

B--if you're still concerned, next time you turn the printer on, you can use the LCD menu to move the z axis lower before loading filament. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 29/01/2022 2:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Filament change after tall print

You cant move it lower until you have homed it though.  So you would have to home printer, move head to suitable height and then load filament.

Posted : 29/01/2022 2:27 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Filament change after tall print

@neophyl I stand corrected! Of course you're right.

The same reason why it moves up in the first place. After a shutdown it doesn't really know where the print head is as you may have moved it in the meantime.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 29/01/2022 4:05 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Filament change after tall print

Doesn't it detect the stall? It detects the ends on the X and Y direction and doesn't make noise for seconds like it does on the Z axis. I do understand that nothing is mechanically grinding. It is just the sound of a stalled stepper. It seems the firmware should detect the stall and stop trying to go up. The noise is annoying, given how quiet the printer is most of the time.



Posted : 29/01/2022 6:13 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Filament change after tall print

Short answer, auto-home your printer after you turn it on.  What you're experiencing is simply part of the learning curve of 3d printing.  Prusa could have set the printer to auto-home at power on, but he didn't, that would be a disaster if you had something on the bed and power on, so he leaves it up to you.

Posted by: @joantabb

Hi Zeropoint, 

Part of the Z calibration process is to raise the X axis until both Z Motors stall against the Z top Brackets, 
so whilst this situation is noisy, it should not be a problem

regards Joan


This would be correct with the I3, the mini doesn't do this.




Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Posted : 29/01/2022 6:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Filament change after tall print

This would be correct with the I3, the mini doesn't do this.

Ooooops! Brain in Wrong Forum! 

Thanks Bob

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/01/2022 9:52 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Filament change after tall print
Posted by: @joantabb

This would be correct with the I3, the mini doesn't do this.

Ooooops! Brain in Wrong Forum! 

Thanks Bob

regards Joan


No worry, when you own multiple printers you sometimes forget which forum you're in.  I just didn't want Zeropoint to start chasing his tail trying to figure out what you meant. 🙂



Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Posted : 29/01/2022 9:55 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Filament change after tall print

Cheers Bob... 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/01/2022 11:48 pm